thirty seven

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jacob turned, going back to the rook he was staying in. he opened her letter and smiled sadly. her handwriting was cute and neat, just like her.

"dear jacob,

hey it's ava. you probably already know that haha. i am writing to you cause i have a sneaky feeling that you are at the cullen's and i know for a fact you are in forks already.

whether we got to speak or not, this letter sums up my feelings completely.

i am sorry. i can already see you saying that it's not my fault and that i have nothing to apologise for. but it's too late because i am sorry and there is nothing you can do about it.

i am sorry for losing my temper with you. i should've understood that this wasn't your fault and that we are the right people for each other but we crossed paths at the wrong time.

you were dealing with shit and i ignored that, like a selfish prick so i am sorry. truly sorry. i should have helped you and i didn't.

i know you weren't completely innocent in this either. i'd be a fool to take all the blame but if you are hurting because of what you did to me, please don't.

i forgive you. i forgave you the second it happened. don't burden yourself with the past but instead look forward into the future and pray for the best.

i hope that we can restart and that we can learn to see each other in a new light. i am certain that life will he perfect for us, we've dealt with too much and the universe owes us that.

i really think we can work it out this time jacob and i will wait for you until you are ready. i want to be with you until the end and i want to love you until i have no love left to give.

hopefully when you have recovered, we can restart from strangers. it might be too hard because even as i'm writing this now, my heart is racing like crazy and i'd be stupid to deny the fact that i like you greatly.

at sam and emily's wedding, when you have recovered, can we go together, as dates? if yes, then  i can't wait to see you, i know you will look handsome (as always).

if not, then i'm sorry for everything. maybe we can still be friends? and you'll still look handsome.

i'm sorry once again.

forever and always,

your ava who misses you like crazy that she sleeps in your room.

jacob read through the letter multiple times. oh my god did he miss her like crazy. he brought the letter up to his face and smelt her perfume, it drove him crazy.

he lay down on his bed, putting the letter to his chest and smiling. he was head over heels for this girl and it made him giddy.

he decided that he had to see her that night. nobody was going to stop him. he had to see octavia.

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