fifty five

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it has been five months since the wedding.

life on the reservation has never been more loving. sam and emily were having an amazing married life. they both had plans to try for children in the future but for now they were just living in the moment.

they often went on random trips to different countries around the world, their favourite being england where they lived their true english fantasy.

seth had the best five months compared to his sister. he had imprinted on a cute girl on the reservation, sophia. she had short black hair and a lot of piercings.

luckily for seth and sophia, they did not go through the heartbreak octavia and jacob did and the physical pain emily and sam went through. he was extremely grateful for that and had a lot of fun with his girlfriend.

leah had definitely gone through the most in the past five months. her and mariposa grew apart and eventually broke up, which was a shame because leah thought she was the one.

so leah did what anybody would do and decided to go on multiple dates to find the right person. flash forward five months and mariposa was begging for leah back.

the shape shifter had no idea what to do and out of fear and anger phased in front of her ex. and of course, she imprinted. she was struggling on what to do and relies on octavia for help for the majority of the time.

paul had somewhat of a difficult time too. he ended up imprinting on jacob's elder sister, rachel. as paul had the most out of control anger out of the pack, he was not allowed to leave the reservation in fear that he'd freak and turn.

because of this, when rachel returned to washington state university, he struggled greatly. however with the help of the elders and jacob, he slowly began to keep in anger in check.

if he went another month without a fit, he'd finally be able to go and see rachel out in washington which he was so excited for her that he'd even mark off days in his calender.

jacob and octavia definitely had the best five months out of everybody. everyday their relationship grew stronger snd their love for each other grew. there was nothing they wouldn't do for each other.

in fact, jacob even transferred to forks highschool with octavia. he did this so she would not feel left out and lonely, even though she said she had emmett, rosalie, jasper and alice* to hang with, jacob transferred anyways.

most of the time during lunch and breaks, the two of them were in their own world. of course they spoke to the group the hung with but the two were madly in love so they'd usually relax together.

and if you are asking reader, not they have not done it yet. neither of them were too eager to get into bed, wanting to keep their relationship in the honeymoon stage for a little while longer.

of course there'd be times were they thought about it, but after a long and deep conversation the two decided they were not ready for that step and that was fine by them.

and yes, jacob had taken the alpha position. after debating on it for the whole summer break, ava had finally convinced it was the right idea to do. she said she was willing to put her life on pause for him.

jacob was grateful that she didn't mind pausing her plans, but even so, behind her back he would train seth to become the next alpha.

why seth? jacob had no idea. but seth often spoke about not wanting to ever leave the reservation and so did his girlfriend so if things went to plan then when octavia wanted, jacob would give up alpha to seth and follow his girl anywhere she went.

one thing octavia loved about school was that even if hacob did not have a class with her, he'd walk her to class and when class ended he'd be at the door waiting for her.

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