forty three

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ava yawned once more and jacob got up, he switched the light off. he closed the window and made sure the door was locked before taking off his shirt and jeans, leaving him in his boxers.

she blushed. she stared at his abs for a second too long before rolling over and letting him get into bed. he lay down beside her and wrapped his arms around her.

"are you staying?" she asked quietly.

"i don't wanna leave you." he whispered, "i love you too much to be apart from you."

"i don't know what happened but i love this side of you." she kissed his forehead and closed her eyes, "goodnight."



that morning octavia woke up to jacob opening the curtains. she yawned and sat up, staring at jacob who was getting dressed.

"good morning." she whispered.

"good morning princess." he smiled and sat beside her. he kissed her and then got up, going to put his shoes back on, "i gotta go to the cullen's. i'm gonna pack up my stuff and cut this off," he pointed to his hair and she clapped, "then i'll be back tonight."

"back as in sneak through the window or back as in, you like live here now?" she asked curiously.

"back as in i live here now. even if it's two days early, i can't do the sneaking anymore." he grinned. ava had to control herself to not smile.

"aw, i kinda enjoyed the sneaking around." she joked and walked to him, draping her arms on his shoulders. he chuckled and touched her forehead with his.

"i'll see you later tonight." he whispered and she nodded, watching him jump out the window and out of the reservation.

she watched him leave, waving goodbye even when he was gone. she stared at the window, her cheeks bright red.

when jacob arrived at the cullen's he snuck back to his room. he started packing up his stuff and cleaned his room, as a nice thank you to the cullen's.

he went to each of them and personally thanked them. he planned skipped out on bella and edward, as they barely gave him a second glance anyways.

"ready?" emmett asked jacob. the two had plans for the day, well mostly jacob who asked emmett to come along.



"two days left." emily sung as she walked around the house. she was so happy to be finally getting married. she had been dreaming about this moment ever since she was born.

she loved the idea of being in a big white dress, hair done all pretty, nails flawless, makeup perfect. this was her dream.

sam on the other hand was still nervous. he normally was the more confident one out of the two so this was a shock to him.

when sam was younger he had sworn he would never get married or have children. not because of him being at a awkward age but because of his father.

sam and octavia's father was a dead beat. he was barely around for either of them and when he was it was only for a few days at a time. because of this they both were scarred. both had deep attachment issues but never admitted it out loud.

sam was afraid that he would ruin him and emily's relationship when they finally tied the knot. he was scared that he carried his fathers gene of being a bad parent in him so he was terrified.

octavia caught him sitting on the stairs, head in his hands. she sat beside him and rubbed his back, "wedding jitters?" she asked, deciding to comfort her brother.

"octavia do you think i'd be a good husband? or a good father? am i a good brother?" he rambled. it was clear he had been in extreme dilemma for days.

octavia felt bad. she was too busy in mending her and jacob's relationship that she forgot that her brother needed her too, "sam. i think you'll be perfect. you have never done anything wrong on purpose and if you do you always mend it. you are so special and you are wise beyond your years and i am grateful that you are my brother."

he smiled at her, "you really think so?"

"i know so. i'm so proud to have you in my family sam. seriously! you have taught me so much." she giggled, "when i was younger i'd beg my mom to let me change my name to samantha cause i wanted to be you so badly. all my friends were jealous that i had such a cool older brother."

sam grinned, pretending that he had long hair and flicked it, "thanks sis. that was a nice ego boost, samantha." they both laughed and she leaned on him, "i've got something to say." he said quite seriously.

she sat up straight and nodded, "what is it?" she stared at him.

"you have to promise not to be mad."

"why would i be mad?"

"i haven't been honest with you. jake has been home for the past few days." he said this cautiously. he knew that she wanted to see him, getting this information from paul or leah, "he could've came home but i wanted him to stay at the cullen's to recover and i thought the distance would he good and i tho-"

"sam!" she shook him, he was rambling. "it's fine, don't worry. truthfully i haven't been honest with you."

"what do you mean?"

"i maybe, kinda, sort of seen jacob for the past two nights." she blushed.


"sorry! i might have gotten the information from somebody, i'm not revealing my sources."

"it was leah wasn't it?"

"yeah it was." she giggled, "i'm sorry sam. i shouldn't have snuck around, i know. i really missed him though and i couldn't bare knowing that he was here and we were just spending minutes apart for no reason." she hung her head ashamed.

he shook his head, "i'm not mad."

"you're not?"

"no i'm not. it was my stupid idea to keep you guys apart cause i don't wanna see my baby sister grow up." he said.

"what are you talking about sam?" she looked at him shocked.

"before you even came to the reservation, you didn't even have a boyfriend!"

"way to rub it in." she said, cheekily.

"you know what i mean. you seemed quite innocent to me, especially for a nearly 18 year old, so when jake imprinted it was a shock to me." he said, "i was scared that my little sister would freak out and never return."


"there's one more thing. we haven't had, the talk, yet." he put air quotations around the talk, "and we have to."

"no, we don't." she tried to stand up but he tilted his head and stared at her so she sat back down.

"this is just as embarrassing for it as it is for you." he tried to reason with her.

"i doubt it and don't even bother cause my mom beat you with this conversation like ten years ago." she replied.

he rolled his eyes jokingly, "you didn't have a boyfriend ten years ago."

"i'm sure things work the same way!"

"just make sure you're taking precautions and-"

"okay okay sam! jacob and i haven't even thought about that yet." she got up.

"well you guys have been spending nights together so i-"

"oh my god sam, i'm a virgin."

"stop! i didn't need to know!" he covered his ears, gesturing for her to go with his elbows, "just keep your door open with you're with him!"

nicknames, jacob black.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora