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jacob handed bella her stuff. he seemed distant and cold and stayed silent as he worked on the car for octavia. he listened to bella go on and on about god knows what. in is mind he was only thinking about octavia.

"did you say something to her?" he asked. he didn't want to believe that bella was the one that had made octavia cry and shut herself in her room. bella claimed she did nothing wrong so he nodded, asking if she kew why octavia was in tears. bella again acted clueless so jacob dropped it.

when it hit 8.30pm, bella got up saying that charlie was expecting her. jacob said nothing in return so she left, realising she may have just ruined everything.

jacob worked on the car almost all night, by 11pm he decided to check on octavia. he creeped past his fathers room and down to octavia's basement. he thought about leaving her be for a while but then a wave of courage came over him and he knocked on the door.

"who is it?" she called from her bed. she had stopped crying a while ago but her eyes were still puffy and red. she hoped that jacob, sam and paul would all just ignore her crying and that they would forget and ask no questions.

jacob opened the door, smiling sheepishly. he walked in and closed the door behind him. nervously, octavia sat up and unplugged her headphones. he came and sat on the chair next to her bed and looked at her.

"don't." she said warningly, "don't come here and try and make me feel better. just act like it never happened."

"i can't do that."

"and why not jacob?"

"cause, i need to know who upset you so i can bash their face in."

octavia rolled her eyes, "i'm not telling you anything so don't expect anything." she grabbed the remote to her tv and started playing some random show.

jacob sighed and got up, turning her light off. he looked back at her and she caught his eyes, suddenly not wanting him to leave. she moved the duvet, gesturing for him to get in beside her. he silently got into the bed and she cuddled up to him.

she knew this was wrong. but in this moment all she wanted was to stay in his arms.

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