forty five

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after everyone had calmed down, the four boys restarted their mario kart match and jacob scanned the room to find some where to sit. ava met his eyes and he winked at her, she blushed and got up to go to the kitchen.

jacob took her seat and when she came back she smiled and sat on the edge of the seat, "hi ava." he grinned.

"hi jacob." she replied, eating some grapes. she tried to sit comfortably by failed so she decided to sit on the floor.

jacob wasn't having this, before she sat on the floor he pulled her onto his lap. ava blushed a deep red and tried to move but his strong arms wrapped around her waist. she was trapped.

"i hate you." she whispered, turning back and facing him before getting comfortable.

he chuckled quietly, "i got you something today. other than the haircut you requested." she turned around and faced him, crossing her legs and still being on his lap.

"see, you suit short hair so much more than long hair. leave the long hair to me." she grinned, she had taken out her extensions so her hair was just past her shoulders, "but you shouldn't have gotten me anything."

"you're going to love it." jacob reassured her, taking a few of her grapes and eating it.

"what if i hate it? will you take it back?" she teased.

"there's no way i'd do that," he fed her a grape and she blushed bright red, "and that's cause i know you are going to love it."

"fine." she took this opportunity to slide off his lap and instead sit beside him. she rested her head on his shoulder, pulling her knees to her chest and holding his hand.

"are you free tomorrow?" jacob asked. it was now around 10pm. the pack had gone back to their respective homes to get ready for bed.

"i am, why?" she asked. she was sitting at her desk, starting a new jigsaw puzzle whereas jacob was on her bed, fixing up his new phone.

"you know how emmett and i got close when i was at the cullen's?" jacob replied to her question with a question, "well i usually confided in him about you and i so he and rosalie want to meet you, tomorrow."

octavia stopped fixing the puzzle pieces and sat still. she thought about the pros and cons. the pros would be that she would have friends who weren't on the reservation and the cons were that she'd be hanging out with two vampires.

"you don't have to, of course."

"no, i want to." she turned and smiled shyly at him before sitting beside him, "what's the plan?"

"so tomorrow at around 11am, you and i will drive to the cullen's and pick up emmett and rosalie. we'll then go bowling and then lazer tag." she ooed, "then you and i will have food and then we separate."

"do they not eat?" she asked curiously.

he shook his head, "not human food." she nodded and grinned.

"i'm excited." she leaned in kissed his cheek softly and messing his hair.

jacob rolled his eyes. he thought she was going to kiss him, properly, so when she turned to kiss his cheek he was shocked. he got up and rushed to his room, telling her he'd be back in a second.

he undressed and looked through his closet. he changed into sweatpants and stayed shirtless before grabbing the bag from the jewellery store. he walked back down to ava's room and closed the door.

she was sitting on the bed, in her cute reading glasses, reading through a book. she glanced up from her book and saw jacob shirtless. ava blushed and glued her eyes back on to her book.

jacob held in a chuckle, sitting beside her and gently taking the book from her hands. he closed it with her bookmark on the page she just read.

"it's time to open your present." he grinned and put her book down. she pulled her glasses off and shook her head about to object, "no no's. i got it, for you, and now it's yours." he gave her the box with the bracelet.

ava stared at him then silently opened the box. when she held the bracelet she gasped. it was a simple silver bracelet but it was beautiful, "jacob." she whispered.

he grinned, gently holding her hand and putting on the bracelet for her. her cheeks turned rosy as he kissed her knuckles lovingly.

"jacob i love it." she said quietly, admiring her wrist, "thank you so much." she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight.

he breathed her natural smell in, his own cheeks turning rosy, "i got you something else." he said when they pulled away.

she frowned this time, "you can't have spent this much money on me. the bracelet looks expensive enough. you're going to have to take it back."

"i already got rid of the receipt." he replied and she whined, "trust me you are going to love it." he handed her the box, it was slightly bigger than the bracelet one so she winced.

jacob stared at her eagerly, with wide eyes glittering. his eyes resembled a golden retrievers eyes so she began to open the box for him. she nervously unwrapped the ribbon and pulled off the lid, her jaw dropping.

it was a beautiful necklace, with his nickname for her as the charm. she brought it close to her face and blinked in disbelief, "you shouldn't have." she whispered.

"but i did. go on, turn around so i can put it on for you." she turned so her back was facing him. he grabbed her waist from behind and pulled her close.

ava blushed as her heart began beating fast and she moved her hair away from her neck. he gently fastened the necklace then leaned in, kissing the back of her neck.

she shivered under the touch of his soft lips and he smirked against her skin. he left a trail of kisses down her neck, stopping at her lower back, then making his way back up.

"i love you." he whispered in her ear, pulling her onto his lap from the back of her waist and gently kissing her jaw.

"i love you more." she replied, relaxing onto him.

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