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octavia had enjoyed her first week on the reservation greatly. she has began to form close relationships with everyone, including jacob. she developed a small crush on him but honestly did not think of it as anything.

she was an ace at math and quite good at every other subject, so she took up tutoring for the older boys who were missing a lot of school recently for a reason nobody would tell her.

"a vampire crossed onto our land again, for the third night in a row." sam whispered to emily as they made their way to octavia's tutor room which was an extension added to the black's residence that nobody used.

"i'll take her shopping so you guys can deal with it." emily replied, "but she's gonna have to find out sometime soon." sam groaned quietly which emily laughed to.

"what's funny?" octavia opened the door, she had just started tutoring seth.

"we're going shopping, and we're taking his car." emily burst happily, "you and i will drive to seattle and have a massive shopping day while the boys fend for themselves. how about that?"

"does that mean tutoring is cancelled today?" seth's sparkled. he was in the middle of a mental math quiz. octavia laughed, nodding and within seconds seth was out the room.

"i call dibs on the music."


once the two girls had left, the pack phased and ran into the fields.

"how long do you expect for it to take octavia to find out?" paul asked, running through the trees was his favourite thing to do.

"shut it paul." sam growled and pushed paul into a tree which paul laughed at.

leah joined the two, "you can't expect her to not find out. she is really smart and observant." sam didn't have the heart to disagree.

"we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it." he replied, "for now let's drop it." the arrived at the place the cold one and the shape shifters decided to meet.

emmett scoffs, "we've been meeting for so long why don't you trust us in human form?" he asked, cockily. paul's head snapped in emmett's direction and he snarled angrily.

"sam says you need to keep emmett in control." edward translated for sam. "they have a new human living with us, his sister. so if he crosses one more time and loses it near her, sam will not keep his cool." sam snarled at emmett who awkwardly looked away.

"does she know?" alice asked. most of the pack were fond of alice so nobody snarled or made any comments towards her.

"no," edward replied to the coven, "they wanna keep it that way so we have to keep to ourselves." he looked at jacob then at bella, "our turn to hunt victoria, so bella has to go with jacob." he said reluctanctly.

edward turned to jacob and kissed bella, passionately. everyone knew it was to irritate jacob. it did more harm to the bystanders of this love triangle than it did to jacob cause jacob had bella to himself that weekend.

jacob's eyes turned smug as bella walked over to him. the wolf lightly nuzzled his head against her before licking her face.

"gross jake!" she laughed, wiping her face and the pack rolled their eyes. they hated the love triangle between jacob, bella and edward as much as edward hated jacob. the pack nodded at the cullens before turning and heading back to the reservation.

sam and the others followed, "he needs to get over her fast."

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