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I am jealous. I am fuming. Why? Because I can not get the little fact that this marriage is fake, into my head. And about the kiss, I'll tell Dylan, I was acting. Hmm, sound believable.

As I reach the bar, the bartender speaks up, "Yes, ma'am?"

"Can I get a French 75, please?"

"Sure, ma'am, " he nods politely and turns around and starts preparing a drink for me. I wait there for a while until the bartender hands me my drink. Picking it up, I stroll into the auction hall instead of turning back. That woman was getting on my nerves. I needed to get away from her as fast as possible. I don't know why Dylan would like me to meet someone like her. Oh yeah, to spoil my evening, right.

It's a silent auction. People are writing down their bids. I scan the room to find something to bid on when my eyes fall on the first edition copy of 'Jane Eyre'. Scurrying across the room, I reach the book to lay down a bid. I don't usually buy these kinds of stuff but provided that this money is going to charity, I don't mind. Moreover, my love for literature would be fed a bit.

"Hey!" I hear a familiar voice and turn around. Madelyn, Dylan's assistant is making her way towards me.


"I thought I saw you but I wasn't sure. How are you?" She asks politely, reaching me.

"I'm good. What about you?"

"I'm good too. I heard about the accident, I'm sorry."

"Thanks. I am fine now." I smile warmly at her.

"I'm glad. When did you get here?"

"Just about fifteen minutes ago probably. And you?"

"Oh, I was here since three, helping with the arrangements. I am currently working with a charity group here."

"Wow. That's great. When do you get the time to do that?" She is Dylans PA, I wonder how she manages to get time to do this.

"I usually work there during my off days, weekends or whenever I get time."

"Wow. That's so cool. I couldn't even think of giving up my weekends. Nowadays I have work on Saturdays too but on Sundays, that's a big no." I keep my Sundays exclusively for Bear. He was the tiny piece of happiness that was there in my then dull life.

"I could neither but this is just something I like to do."

"That's so sweet of you." She smiles and looks around.

"Is sir here?" Madelyn asks.

"Yeah...he is..." I look back at the door I came in through. Then turning my head to look at Madelyn, I answer, "With his friend, Sandra, I guess. " I try to sound simple but the bitterness is very prominent in my tone.

"Sandra..? She is not a friend, " she says and immediately claps her mouth shut.


"Sorry sorry. I'm so sorry. It's not my thing to say. Forget I said something please." She starts to panic making me even more curious. I kind of sensed that Sandra was a little too touchy with Dylan to be just a friend but I didn't want to jump to conclusions.

"No, no, tell me, " I press.

"Please let it go. It was a slip of tongue. I didn't realize you didn't...Im so sorry."

Letting out a little chuckle, I lift my hands and say, "Hey, calm down. I'm not going to tell Dylan on you. I just need to know who is this woman exactly so that I know how to handle her. She didn't seem to like me much and seems to be a little twisted as well."

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