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I stand in front of the mirror, running my hands on the soft fabric of the red sheath dress I'm wearing. The material sticks to my body, revealing my curves. I turn halfway to take a look at the back which looks just fine. My hair is parted into two and hangs around my shoulders in soft curls reaching the top of my breasts. A thin layer of makeup that my face holds, doesn't look that bad after all. I'm pretty impressed by the way the look turned out. I wasn't expecting it to be this good. Moreover, I haven't worn this dress in a long time, wasn't sure if it would fit me.

Today we are going to Dylan's parent's place for dinner. It's been 8 days since the wedding and I have managed to get along with Dylan so far.

I have been quite busy the whole week with all the work of the new hospital and stuff. Though Brad has been immensely helping me through the whole process, the greater part is on me. I just want it to be perfect, just the way Marc wanted. If that means no time for myself, then so be it. I feel like it's a way of me paying him.

This marriage was a huge set back in my process of healing, I would say. Since then every time I think of Marc, I can't help but silently apologize to him for not being able to fulfil my promise.

The knock at the door grabs my attention. Running the hairbrush, for the last time through my curls, I leave the spot in front of the dressing table. I walk up to the door and open it to find Dylan standing in front of me in a white shirt, tucked inside his narrow blue jeans- looking breathtaking, may I add. His hair is pushed away from his forehead only a single stand sticking out, making his face look heavenly. Although I might never develop any feelings for Dylan, there is no harm in accepting that the man has got some amazing features.

His eyes rake my body head to toe, just like mine did. Bringing his eyes back to my face, he says softly, "you look gorgeous."

"Thank you. You look good yourself," I smile at him.

His lips curl up into a smirk as he says, "I know that." Rolling my eyes playfully at him, I grab my purse from the bed and head down. Bear was already in the kitchen with Mrs Griffin. When we reach the living room, I find him happily running around the living room with his smiley ball. I glance at Dylan cautiously only to find him smiling at the cute sight. Sensing my eyes on him, he looks at me and on noticing my expression, he gives me a small nod, relieving me. I call Bear towards me and bend down to caress his fur for a while.

"I think we should get going," Dylan says after some time.

"Yeah," I say and stand up. Bear sits up near my feet while Mrs Griffin enters the room. "Are you sure you can manage?" I ask her for the hundredth time in the last three days. Right from the time she said she could take care of Bear when we are out, I've been wondering if it's going to be too much provided that she has other works as well.

"Yes, honey. I can. Just go. Dont worry." She picks up Bear in her arms and gives me a reassuring smile.

WE REACH his parent's house after about thirty minutes. It's not a big extravagant house like Dylan's mansion, as I thought it would be but it is quite big yet gives a cosy welcoming atmosphere which gives the vibe if a perfect place goes be called 'home'. The front yard is surrounded by beautiful flowers and shrubs. I haven't yet entered the house and I'm already head over heels in love with this one.

"Shall we?" Dylan's voice distracts me. I look at his direction to find him holding his hand out for me to take. I put my hand on his, and probably at the same time, we both notice my wedding ring. My eyes move to his and our eyes lock. And I know we just got reminded of the relationship between us.

He wraps his fingers around mine and leads us into his parent's house. I would've knocked but Dylan just opened the door and let us in. That's something new to me. I've always knocked at the door whenever I went to visit my Uncle and Aunt. Maybe that just applies to our parents.

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