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"Damnit!" I groan, shuffling through my clothes in the cupboard. I can't see a trace of my curling iron. It's not even in the bathroom. I don't remember where I kept it after that last time I used it. It must be the time I went to Dylan's parent's house for the first time. I don't use it often but provided that I need to be presentable, I need it. My hair is all frizzy and I don't think I can pull off straight hair that well.

"Bear is playing in the back yard," I jump hearing Dylan's voice all of a sudden, hitting my head on the shelf in the process.

"Oww!" I grunt in pain and start rubbing the back of my head as I stand up straight. Dylan quickly rushes to my side and muttering a curse under his breath he says, "what would take for you to be a little bit more careful?!" Removing my hand, he starts rubbing my head instead.

"I'm okay, " I respond. "You could have at least knocked! This wouldn't have happened then."

"Or you could have not had your head stuck between two shelves of your cupboard, " he retorts. I shoot him a glare and step around him to continue my search. "What are you looking for?"

"My curling iron, " I say and bend over to search for it in the lower rack of my bedside drawer. Pretty weird place to keep the iron but I find it there. Wow! "Found it!" as I say it, I hear Dylan gasp. That's when the realisation strikes and I jolt up straight. My face immediately heats up. I am pretty sure his reaction was because of the thing that I am wearing under this dress. The dress is short enough that if I bend over, my undergarment can be seen. 

I slowly turn around to face Dylan whose wide gaze is fixed on me. "Is there any chance you didn't see it?"

"There is no way God would let me miss such a nice view." I narrow my eyes and swat his arms.

Stepping past him, I stand in front of the mirror and start curling my hair. Dylan comes to stand right behind me with a mischievous smile on his face. I know he is about to make a comment when I warn, "Not a word." He lifts his hands in surrendering posture and steps back.

"I am not saying anything. It's your dirty head." I roll my eyes at him and choose to ignore his comment. When I am done with everything, Dylan is sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone.

"I'm done, " I say as I spin around. His head snaps up and his eyes rake up and down my body as if he is devouring me. I wait for him to say something but instead he gets up and comes to stand in front of me. Looking down into my eyes he says, "you look beautiful." I can't help but smile at the security in his voice. Something that makes me feel warm inside.

"Thanks..." I say and look down once and then back up, "shall we go now?"

"Sure, " he says and steps back. Holding out his hand he nods and I place my hand on his. He smiles and wraps his fingers around my sleek tiny ones and leads us downstairs.


"Just bring him in whenever he is done," I say and turn around and walk towards Dylan who is standing by the doorway. We both step outside and start walking down the front stairs but I stop. "Dylan?" He stops and turns around. I go close to him and ask softly, "is that your bodyguard?" He is the same man I saw on our wedding day. I haven't seen him after that. Even when Dylan leaves for work, he is not there then why now?

"Yeah. He is coming with us."

"Why?" I squeak.

"For safety, Avery." He answers nonchalantly and walks towards the car. He opens the door for me and waits.

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