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"Damnit!" I groan and slap my hand on the edge of my desk. Lately, I've been losing my shit quite a few times, getting irritated at very small matters. Avery has been noticing it probably but she didn't say anything. She never says anything. Only if I want to talk about mom or cry, that's when she listens and holds me silently.

I take a moment to focus on my breaths. Then start searching for the files again. Finally, on giving up, well after five minutes, I call Madelyn. "Sir?"

"Sorry to disturb you on Sunday, Madelyn but I need your help."

"It's not a problem, sir, " she answers.

"I can't find a few of the sales files. I am in my office right now, " I say while removing the files from the pile in front of me. "Are you busy?"

", sir."

"Would you mind coming down here? I know it's Sunday but I dont want to leave it for tomorrow."

"That's not a problem, sir. I'll be there in 10," she says.

Being the punctual woman she is, Madelyn shows up within ten minutes. "I am so sorry for calling you on Sunday."

"It's alright, sir, " she smiles warmly at me and I smile back. We start sorting out the files as per the markings on them. When we are done, my gaze falls on the wall clock. It's already 9:15.

"Thanks, Madelyn. You can go home now. Enjoy your Sunday."

"Are you going to stay here long?" she asks.

"Maybe for a while. But you dont need to stay." I shrug.

She nods, "okay, sir. Have a good day, " and leaves. I spend some time looking through the files and mentally measuring how much of it I have to get sorted by tomorrow. Although I love waking up to Avery with no rush. It's almost as if that's all we have. I could easily just stop working. And Avery could too. But that would only lead us to both getting tired of each other though I dont think that is possible.

After getting done, I come down. Rob opens the car door for me. "Did you talk to Jason?"

"Yes sir, about ten minutes ago. He is in the outhouse with Mrs Griffin and Mrs Walker is at home." I nod and get in.

We drive to the house. The gate is opened. For a moment, my heart stops. Jason and David, my security guard is standing at the side. The car stops and I jump out. "What's going on?" Their heads snap in my direction. Both of them look a bit startled. "Where is Avery?"

"Sir, David saw ma'am leaving. I was in the outhouse helping Mrs Griffin, " Jason says. My throat goes dry. A small jolt of dizziness flows through me.

"Did she take her car?" I ask breathlessly.

"Yes, sir, " David answers.

I immediately pull up Melissa's number from the call log and call. She picks up after two rings and answers, "hello?"

"It's me, Dylan, " I say.

"What's wrong? Why do you sound so breathless?"

"Give me the location of Avery's car. Now." I say, opening my car door. Jason runs towards the house to fetch his car and Rob runs behind him. The last time when Avery was attacked, Melissa told me that she is inserting a tracking device in Avery's car because she believed Avery will try to go out alone, again. Turns out that was right. Although let me have the location. She said she will give me when it's needed. She didn't want me to stalk Avery in any way. Although I would never do that because I respect her privacy, I didn't argue.

"Shit. Okay." She curses into the receiver and I start hearing muffled voices in the background.

I keep the phone pressed to my ear until I hear a ding of the incoming notification. "Got it." I disconnect the call and transfer the location to the GPS of my car. I turn the car around and follow the location. Hundreds of thoughts start running through my head. Including the fact that she would've never done it voluntarily. Not after promising me.

I see Jason and Rob's car following me. My phone starts to buzz in my pocket. I quickly pull it out, not slowing down a bit. I am pretty sure that my speed is beyond the limit now but right now I couldn't care less. Mike's name appears. I pick it up while keeping my focus on the directions.

"Dylan, I've called the police. I have her location too. Don't worry, we will find her, " he says. "Please don't do anything stupid. If it is the same person that kidnapped Julie, I am pretty sure they are armed."

"You think I care right now?" I growl.

"I know it's hard-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Mike my wife was kidnapped from my fucking house. You think I am in my senses?" I yell.

"Dylan, don't do anything impulsive, " he warns. I would've listened to him because obviously, he is right but now, only finding Avery matters. I usually keep calm during tense situations but this is beyond anything. All I know is if I dont make it in time, I might lose Avery forever.

"As I said, I don't care."

"Okay, just try not to do something or go in until I'm there."

"Fine I will try but if I don't find my wife safe and sound, then I am ending that man's life then and there, whoever it is, " I snap and disconnect the phone and throw it on the front seat.

As I near the location, I start recognising the street. I stop a few meters away from the location at a corner and turn off the car. My eyes fall on the old house on the other end.

Rotten colourless walls with bricks poking out. Tree branches all around the room. Several cracks throughout the front. Seems like it will come down to the ground anytime now. But I know this house. I've been here before. It is Madelyn's old house. Madelyn and Mrs Griffin's.

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