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I love you, mom and dad but I can't do this. I can't participate in a marriage that is practically a deal.

I'm sorry, don't try to search for me.


I run towards the bathroom to look for her. But she isn't there. I search the rest of the room and move on to the adjacent rooms but she is nowhere. Returning to the bride's room, I spot the window towards the east which is opened. My throat immediately starts drying up.

I don't know what to feel. My head starts getting jumbled up. This marriage was a deal? But why? And were her parents forcing her into this marriage? I feel angry towards my uncle and aunt 'cause Julie was surely not happy with this marriage and disappointed because I expected her to confide in me in times of need like I did after I lost Marcus but maybe I was wrong in some way. A small pang of guilt washes through me for letting her down. I push it back and decide to confront her parents. Moreover, they need to know that Julie has left.

I pull out my aunt's number from my contact list and wait for her to pick it up. She wastes no time picking up and when she does, she asks if Julie needs anything.

"No...but I need you to come here."

"Why what happened. Is something wrong with the dress? I told her—" I can hear her moving. And I know that she is coming here.

"Just get here fast, " I cut her off and hang up. Slowly, panic starts to build inside me and I fall on the bed beside the wedding dress. Putting my head in my hands, a groan escapes my lips. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to think straight. I should have guessed something was wrong when I heard about her marriage even though she wasn't dating anybody. I just didn't know that she was being forced. Or was it something else? God! I can't even decide who to support before knowing the whole thing.

The door opens and in walks my frantic looking aunt. "What happened? Where is Julie?" asks aunt Claire, looking around. I silently look at the wedding dress lying beside me and hand her the note in my hand.

I look at her while she reads it and her eyes widen. "I came in and Julie wasn't there. The dress was lying here and there was this note with it, " I explain.

"Oh my God!" aunt Claire gasps and stumbles back to sit on the couch. She puts her head in her hand and lets out a small sob. "How could she do this to us? Have you looked into the bathroom? Maybe this is a prank. Maybe—" she starts to stand up.

"I have. She isn't anywhere to be found." I let out a sigh and consider asking her about the reason. But before I can ask my questions, she is already calling someone.

"Tom...come to Julie's room...yes, now... it's important...please...yes, " as soon as she hangs up, her voice cracks and she starts sobbing. I quietly go and sit beside her, wrapping my arms around her body as she cries holding me.

Minutes later, uncle Tom comes barging into the room and his face becomes panicked as soon as his gaze falls on us. "What happened? Where is Julie?" He rushes and kneels in front of aunt Claire.

"She...left, " says my aunt through sobs while I tighten my arms around her. My Uncle looks so defeated that I feel bad for him.

"How could she?" Uncle Tom's voice comes out in a mere whisper. He rubs his forehead and sits flat on the ground.

"Was this marriage being forced on her?" I ask, after a long session of silent break down. My aunt looks up at me with swollen red eyes and my uncle sighs heavily and that's my answer. "Why?" I feel my own anger building its way into me.

"It was a deal. We needed the deal. We were going through a loss. I met Mr Walker. He promised to give me the deal but he had one condition. Julie said she would do anything to get over this loss and she agreed to this marriage, which was the condition." I jolt up from the couch and step back.

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