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"Really?" I burst out into laughter. We are sitting on my bed, talking for probably an hour now. It feels good to see this side of Olivia. Every time she ever spoke about Marcus before this, she used to end up crying or pulling away. I like this girl who sits in front of me, bubbling with energy, blabbering away stuff about her childhood with her best friend.

"I swear, no joke," she says through her chuckles then hops a little, in the cutest way and adds, "I don't remember what he exactly told, but it was something horrible."

"So you broke his nose?"

"Yeah. And, " she nods several times and continues as if it is nothing that she broke someone's nose in school, "and not only that, Marc beat him up because you know after that little fight, I got a cut on my leg."

"Wow!" She has been telling me about a time when she got into a fight with a boy because he called Marcus some names. And by the story I can say one thing, I will never mess with my wife.

"Then my uncle was called and so were Marc's parents. Luckily, we didn't get suspended but boy, that was scary. We got grounded though." She continues telling her story. This is probably the first time I've seen her talk so much. Olivia never came off as someone talkative. I dont know if she doesn't talk this much so often because of her past or... which makes me wonder how was my cute little olive when she didn't have to fight bad thoughts every day. "But that didn't affect us much. We used to hang out together in my room or sometimes in his room. It kinda was a little vacation for us."

"You guys were so...crazy" I shake my head and let out a laugh, distractedly. Not that I am bored, just seeing her this way, this happy, makes it hard to concentrate on her words.

"I know right? And there was one time, We were climbing up a tree that was in Marc's backyard and fell and broke my leg, "she starts again. I would've usually gotten irritated by someone talking so much, but with her, I want her to tell me every single detail about her day. I am mystically whipped by her. This girl doesn't even know what spell she has on me. There is no harm in saying that she has me wrapped around her tiny finger. "He was above me but seeing me fall, he left his grip and landed on my leg. Wait..." She stops talking and a cute frown forms on her forehead then gasping dramatically,  she says, "Probably he was the reason why my leg broke." I can't help but laugh at her realization. As I sober up, she asks, "Did you ever get grounded?"

"Once, I think, not much. I was quite obedient as a child," I say with a shrug. I am still obedient but now I dont have to obey anyone's order. It is the other way around now. Maybe that is why I like to have control when I feel like it.

"What happened that one time?" I would have guessed she is trying to keep up a conversation but knowing Olivia, I am sure that she would put an end to a conversation if she was bored. Something that I like about her. She doesn't feel the need to make others happy but reflects who she is and people fall in love with her true self.

"I don't remember, I got into a fight or something. It was pretty small but I still got grounded. My mom wasn't that strict, to be honest, but she did not leave that chance of grounding me." That mainly happened because she, as a child used to get grounded a lot and always told me that it was her 'dream' to be able to ground her child.

"I love your mom and the way she is with your Dad. It's wow." She scrunches down, keeps her elbows on her knees, puts her face in her hands and makes a cute face in awe.

"Even the way they met is wow." I let out a laugh as the story plays in my head.

"Really? How?" She sits up straight.

"That's a funny story. So, my mom had just graduated at that time. One day when she was crossing the road, a car hit her and she broke her leg. The driver was rude, arrogant and refused to pay for her medical care so my mom married him instead."


Laughing I nod. She joins me in laughter and rolls over the bed, holding her belly. I wonder if the story was that funny after all. After a while, I say, as she sobers up, "ok, now on a serious note. My dad's first wife had just left him at that time and kind of claimed 50% of his property. So, he was dealing with all that when my mom came into his life. He defines mom as his lighthouse." All of a sudden, I feel a rush of sobs up my throat. I never really stopped to think about how my father feels. He is losing his lighthouse. He will really get lost. Shaking the sad thoughts away, for now, I focus on Olivia. She has become my stress reliever.  She has her challenges, for sure but one look at her face and my day brightens up. I never really understood what my father meant when he said my mother was his lighthouse but now, I know.

"He loves her," Olivia states, bringing a halt to all my thoughts. Realization strikes hard. Everything pauses for a second. I let it sink in slowly but instead of freaking out, as I expected I would, a smile forms on my face.

"More than anyone," I state, staring right into her eyes. She doesn't know what I just said but I do.

"Isn't it such a nice thing that they could tell their kid — '...thats how we met?' It was such an interesting story!" She hops a little again, getting excited.

I nod. "It is. I mean we could tell our kids that we met for the first time on our wedding day and that—"  I stop talking as soon as I realize what I am saying. My eyes widen and I look at her face, she sits there still, her expression blank. I always have to go out and spoil something, dont I? "I'm so sorry. It just slipped..." I quickly add. "I didn't mean it, I swear. I dont wanna freak you out."

"It's ok." She gives me a tight smile and looking around, she says, "I think we should sleep." She climbs off the bed.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I just came out in a flow." I start to panic as she starts walking towards the door, "Are you leaving?"

She reaches the door, presses the lock and turns around with a small smile playing on her lips, "I am just closing the door."

"You're going to sleep here?" I ask, just to make sure.

Biting on her lower lip, she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and asks in a low voice, slowly stepping towards me, "You have a problem with that?"

"No, " shaking my head, I hold out my hand. Placing hers in mine she steps closer to me. A relieved smile forms on my lips. I pull her on the bed. Swinging her over my thighs, she straddles my waist. My body starts to react immediately to her warmth. However,  I need to make sure I didn't freak her out. "I didn't —" she cuts me off by placing a finger on my lips.

"Shh..." She leans closer to my face and whispers, "You talk too much." Her breath falls on my lips and my eyes close involuntarily. I feel her soft plump lips brush against mine. She pushes her hand into my shirt, making me suck in a sharp breath. Her fingers start rubbing over my skin as she kisses me, deeply. With my body burning with pleasure and anticipation, my subconscious shouts at me to blurt out those words, but I know now is not the time. Instead of pandering over those ideas, I focus on the feeling of her warm mouth on me and acknowledging the definition of PER-FECT.

Okay, here goes the next chapter. I want to know what's popping in your lives. Tell me everything. Are you feeling like a potato, a carrot or maybe a cabbage?
I am feeling like a potato tbh.

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