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I am BACK!!!!!!!!!


We rush to the hospital as soon as possible. When Jack called about half an hour ago, I barely understood anything through his sobs. But the sound of him choking on his sobs was enough to tell me what was going on. Luckily I managed to hear the name of the Hospital. Although turns out Dylan already knew where they were supposed to go.

I glance at Dylan, sitting beside me. The city lights pass over his face forming shadows. He has been wiping his eyes a few times as soon as they welled up with tears. My heart breaks seeing him this way. I know how it feels, I know it eats you, it destroys you from inside. And even after knowing that it is happening to the man I love, I cannot do a thing about it. However, I will try everything in my power to keep him together. I won't let him fall apart as I did.

I glance back at the road and focus on driving. As soon as I reach the hospital, Dylan hops down the car and starts running towards the entrance. I park the car, lock it then follow him. I spot him at the reception. Just as he about to turn around, I call, "Dylan!"

He stops and looks at me. I see the anxiousness in his eye. The need of going to see his mother and the fear of the same is marking the expression on his face. I scurry towards him and on reaching him, I push my hand into his and interlock our fingers. He leaves a staggered breath and moves, dragging me along. He doesn't let my hand go. Although he doesn't say anything, I know he needed this.

We reach the ICU on the far of the sixth floor. Dylan stops in front of the door and let's go of my hand. He takes a step closer to the door and closes his eyes. Suddenly tears make a presence and my vision turns blurry. I snap my hand on my mouth to hold back the sobs. We stand there in silence until I hear him sigh. I place my hand on his forearm and say, "let's go to the waiting room. Your Dad needs you." He doesn't say anything just lets me guide us to the waiting room.

As soon as I enter the room, I spot Dylan's father. He is shaking with silent sobs and a man is sitting beside him, rubbing his shoulder in assuring movement. I step forward and look at Dylan. His eyes are fixed at his father too. I step closer to him and whisper, "I am here." His eyes move to my face and I know he remembers the time when I told him not to pull away and act as a support system for his father. He gulps and walks towards his father and takes a seat beside him. Jack looks up at Dylan and immediately pulls his son into a hug.

But what I notice in the whole situation is that Dylan doesn't cry while Jack crumbles like a sobbing mess holding onto Dylan. He just sits still. I know how much it is killing him and I want him to cry but seeing him actually acting like a support system to Jack and soothing him with reassuring words, makes me feel good in a way. I could never imagine him having to regret any of the actions he takes now. He did what I couldn't do. I didn't want Dylan to have that regret.


Two hours pass on before the Doctors comes to inform us about Diana. Everyone jolts up on their feet seeing the doctor. My heart starts beating in my ears. I silently prepare myself for the news if this is it. However, to my little relief, the doctor says, "We have managed to get her stable and made her as comfortable as we could." I hear the silent apology in his voice. "You can go see her. Although she is not awake, you can talk to her. She can hear you." With that, he pats on Dylan's shoulder and leaves.

The nurse who was behind him then adds, "please go on one person at a time. And one of you can stay with her for the night." Jack goes in first while we wait outside. As Jack leaves the room, I take a seat beside Dylan. He doesn't look up. He keeps staring at the floor with his jaw clenched. His hands are fisted in balls, his knuckles are turning white. A drop of tears escapes his eyes and he quickly wipes them off.

I place my hand on his shoulder and he looks up. The pain in his eyes breaks my heart. "She is leaving, " he says in a hoarse whisper. I want to say 'she is not and I would if I had the power. So I say nothing. He continues, "I lied to her during her last days."

"Tell her everything when you'll go in, " I say. He gulps and nods. More tears escape his eyes and he wipes them off. I didn't cry any more after we came in. Only a few tears, yes. I couldn't control that much. However, Dylan managed to hide his tears from his father.

Jack walks into the room with a tired pained face and Dylan gets up to go in. I shift to sit beside Jack and place a hand on his shoulder. Jack's brother, the man who was sitting with him, has already gone home for the night. He looks at me and says, "the last wish she had was to see her baby in a loving marriage. Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me for anything, " I say in a steady voice surprising myself. I don't know how I managed to do it.

"She loves you, you know. Not for being Dylan's wife but as a daughter that we never had." I press my lips together to hold back the sobs and nod.

"I know." It feels like I am losing a mother all over again. The last time, I didn't understand anything but this time, I am seeing her die with every passing second.

"I told Lizzy about the deal, " he tells me after a long pause and I stop. "She knew about it the whole time. Not actually the whole time but I didn't want to keep it from her." I had no idea Jack knew. "I told her when I heard that Dylan has cancelled the deal. I knew the reason, I could see it in the way he talked about you." He sits back and tilts his head towards the ceiling.

Minutes pass before he speaks up again. "You know Lizzy loves pineapple pies so much." He lets out a sad laugh. "Yesterday, she called me and told me that she wanted a pineapple pie for the last time. Her exact words were 'I want to eat a pineapple pie. I won't get a chance after this. Get me one, please!' Those words will ring in my ears forever. I just knew this was it. She didn't want to live anymore and I don't blame her. I've seen her cry in pain every single day. And even though I would do anything in the world to keep her here, I just knew I had to let her go. She has always been taking care of everything and everyone around her with a smile on her face. She wants to rest now." With that, he closes his eyes and tears flow out of my eyes.

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