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The next morning, I woke up and Colson was still asleep beside me. I can't believe this really happened I thought to myself as I carefully unwrapped his arm from around me, trying not to wake him. I tip toed to the bathroom to jump in the shower.

My attempts were useless. No more than 5 minutes later, I heard the door creak open.

"Sienna? Is it ok if I come in?" He asked, and waited for my response.

"Yeah, go ahead."

He then walked into the bathroom, and joined me in the shower. I thought that I would feel weird, that it would be awkward after all this time apart. But it's not. Together is where we are supposed to be. But then I did start to feel bad for whatever it is we're doing.

"What is Winter gonna think when you tell her?" I asked, turning to face him.

"This is gonna sound really shitty, but I honestly don't care what she thinks. I'm not in love with the girl. She's just, there." He said, and placed his hands on my hips. "I'm hoping that I've got another shot at being with the girl I am in love with."

"Listen, Colson. A lot has changed since you left. I've got other things going on too." I said, and looked into his eyes. "We are not the same young, stupid kids we were back then."

"I don't care what else you have going on." He stated bluntly. "You're still in love with me too. I know you are."

"You're right." I sighed, knowing it was no use to lie to him. "But that doesn't automatically mean we're gonna get back together."

"Think about it? Come on, you let me hit it raw last night. That means something." He said. "I haven't slept with anyone without a rubber since you."

"I haven't either." I admitted. "Just, give me some time and space to think about it? This is a lot."

He nodded, and we showered together in comfortable silence. We got out, and got dressed. Just as I was pulling up my pants, there was a knock at the door. I cracked it open just enough to see Nick.

"Hey, we're gonna go get some lunch before we head to the studio, try to discuss what we wanna do. You in?" He asked.

"Yeah, just gimme like 20 to get ready and I'll meet you at your room." I said, and closed the door.

"Don't want them knowing we hooked up?" He asked, but kinda chuckled at the end. "Don't worry, I won't be mad if you say yes."

"I mean, I'd rather keep everyone out of it until we figure out what this is ourselves."

"I understand. I'll sneak out now so you don't get seen with me." He said, and kissed my cheek as he passed me, smirking at me as he pulled back. "Wait, can I have your number?"

I gave Colson my number, and he sent me a text so that I would have his.

I hurried to get my hair dried and put some makeup on. I topped off my outfit with my black choker, and ran down to Nick's room just in time him and Elijah to walk out.

My phone started ringing, and I pulled it out of my back pocket to see a picture of Zayne and I appear on my screen. It was a picture of us at the beach, and I was cuddled up into his chest as he kissed the top of my head. It was his favorite photo of us.

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