We Made It

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"You're gonna make history one day, Colson. Just watch."


I thought back to that day all the time.

Nobody ever believed in me as much as Sienna does. She has always been my number one fan. Never once did she doubt what I could become. She never gave up faith in me.

And now, thanks to her pushing me since day one, I'm playing a sold out stadium show in Cleveland tonight. What the fuck is this life now?

I was as jittery as could be while we rehearsed. I wanted tonight to be perfect. I needed tonight to be perfect. My fans deserve the absolute best from me.

I hope for four things in life.

I hope that Sienna's proud of me, proud to have me for a husband. I hope my kids are proud to have me as their dad. I hope the guys who've been on stage with me, riding this wave with me are proud of where we are today. And I hope that my fans are proud of how far I've made it.

I wouldn't be standing on this stage if it wasn't for any of them. If I didn't have all of them supporting me, I wouldn't have come close to this. I just wish my dad was here to see this.

It was time to head out, and meet the mayor. So many amazing things were happening today, and I couldn't wait to soak it all in.

I hated that Sienna was gonna miss the announcement, but she would be there for the show, which made it better.

Standing with the mayor of my hometown, who was about to make today a day for me, it was a feeling I couldn't explain.

Somebody needed to pinch me.

"I'm mayor Justin Bibb of the great city of Cleveland. How y'all doing today?" The mayor started, and everyone yelled in excitement. "So four years ago, I meet Mgk, and I didn't know, somebody loved the city of Cleveland as much as I did. But he does. So today, is officially Machine Gun Kelly day!"

The mayor handed me the certificate as everyone hollered louder than before. I thanked him, and looked at the people who came and gathered here just to hear this announcement. My fans really do the most don't they?

Everything beyond that was a blur until show time.

Gratitude isn't the right word for how I feel, but I am grateful. Standing on this stage, taking it all in, I'm fuckin grateful man.

"Princess, where you at?" I said into the mic, looking to the side of the stage. When I saw her walking towards me, I was excited. "I got you right there. I love you so much." The crew tried to show her on camera. "She's right there. The most beautiful of all beautiful. And my baby boy, right there next to her. My handsome dude, not sure how that happened when he's got my genes." I laughed. "I love you two so much." I said, hugging them both before sending them back to Sienna.

Life is so good.

* Sienna POV *

I stood to the side of the stage with Rose while holding Legend, hidden from view once again.

We were jamming to Colson's songs together, and after Forget Me Too, Colson started telling the crowd about the venue telling him to stop the show.

"They're in my head right now, well not my head but they're in my ears right now and they're saying if we don't stop the show right now, we're gonna get fined seventy thousand dollars for every ten minutes we continue." He said, and he paused, listening to the crowd chanting his name. "You know what I say to that? We aren't stopping this concert for shit. I'm rich bitch!" He yelled, then smashed his wine glass into his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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