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(Warning. Very brief talk of molestation in this chapter. If that is a trigger for you, read with caution ⛔️ I did put a trigger warning right before the paragraph it's in, and put "safe" after)

Months in the studio, and we were almost done recording the album. My excitement couldn't be contained.

RealSiennaBrock92 my first time in a REAL studio recording for an ALBUM!

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RealSiennaBrock92 my first time in a REAL studio recording for an ALBUM!

Colson had to leave LA and start touring, but he was flying home every few days just to see me. He had his hooks in me again, and was slowly reeling me back in. I didn't put up much of a fight, the only reason I resisted at all is because of Zayne.

I still hadn't worked up the nerve to confront him about what really happen when Colson left me. He was planning on coming to LA for a few days to see me, and I was trying so hard to work it around Colson. I felt like such a terrible person, trying to work two guys into my schedule. But they both knew I wasn't dating them. I was single, so I technically wasn't doing anything wrong. That's what I told myself to make myself not feel so bad.

As Colson and I were getting dressed, I ran to the bathroom, suddenly feeling sick. I faintly heard my phone ringing in between heaves.

"Sienna, your phones ringing. Want me to bring it to you?" Colson yelled.

"No, it's ok I'll get it when I'm done."

"You okay?" He asked, and then it was deathly quiet.

- Colson

I had to figure out how to get this girl to just be with me already. I don't know why she's holding back. We were basically together just without a label. I was flying from all over the world just to be with her. Even if it was just for a few hours. I couldn't get her off my mind. It's funny how I didn't realize what I was missing until it was standing in front of me. Then all of those old feelings came back to the surface.

Now I'm addicted again. This girl had a hold on me. She always has. We've both grown up a lot since we were together before. Sienna still had this tough exterior, and she was trying not to let me back in, but we both knew it wasn't going to work.

We were meant to be together.

We had just finished up, and she looked pale. Before I could ask her what's wrong, she was running to the bathroom. She was in there for a few minutes when her phone started ringing.

"Sienna, your phones ringing. Want me to bring it to you?" I asked her as I started to make my way towards the noise.

"No, its okay I'll get it when I'm done." She said, and sounded like she was out of breath.

"You okay?" I asked, just as I had made it to the bed where her phone was, and saw something I wish I hadn't.

Zayne's name appeared on her phone, along with a picture of her and him. She was hugging him as he kissed her head. I felt my blood boiling.

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