The proposal

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- Colson

I had it all planned out. I was gonna take her to her favorite restaurant, which happened to be near Manhattan Beach. She loved that beach.

Rook and Derek were setting up a canopy with candles for us to walk up to along the side of the water. And then there was going to be a special surprise for her when we get there. Mariana flew into LA to be here and take pictures for it.

It was short notice, but she always showed up for Sienna. I have always been thankful for the friend that she is to my girl.

I couldn't wait to put my plan into action. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. Nobody would have thought that young Kells would be where he is today.

"I can't believe my boy is about to get married." Rook said, clamping a hand down on my shoulder from behind me.

"That's if she says yes." I replied. As much I know she loves me, I couldn't help but have a little bit of doubt on her wanting to marry me after everything we've been through.

I was an asshole to her at times when she didn't deserve it. Maybe she wouldn't wanna marry that dude.

"Man, she's gonna say yes." Mariana said as she finished testing out her camera. "I know Sienna better than almost anyone. I know she's gonna say yes."

It made me feel a lot better hearing it from Mariana. Her and I have obviously had our differences, and not always gotten along. But even she was supportive of this. Even she was on my side. It meant a lot.

Mariana hid once Sienna got back from her appointment getting her hair and nails done. Then she changed into the cutest little white dress, and we got ready to go to dinner.

"After you." I said as I held the door of the restaurant open for her. She beamed at me with the biggest, most beautiful blue eyes in response.

Fuck I'm so nervous I thought to myself as we sat down at our table. I could see that she was conflicted on what to order, rubbing her belly as she looked at different items on the menu.

"Babe, order everything if you have to." I smiled, and she whipped her head up to meet my eyes.

"I don't wanna order a lot of food because I know I won't eat it all, but I also know she's gonna make me change my mind as soon as I pick something." She sighed, but it was a happy, content sigh. "She makes the rules right now." She ended with a giggle while pointing to her belly. It was the cutest thing.

"Fuck, I love you." I said, just staring at her, at the most gorgeous woman to ever walk this earth. "I can't wait to meet our daughter, and see the perfect mix of us we created."

"I love you too." She replied, reaching a hand over the table to grab mine. "Thank you, for everything."

"What did I do?" I asked.

"You gave me a child. And you've been so patient with me, so understanding with all of my random mood swings. All of my random cravings. All of my irrational emotions. I've taken so much out on you so far during this pregnancy, and you've just, taken it all with a smile on your face." She said, and I could tell that she was getting emotional already.

"Like that time you tried to leave me over us running out of mashed potatoes?" I asked, just to make her laugh. But it's true, she really did try to break up with me over it.

"Yeah, like that. You were so calm, and told me that we weren't breaking up and that I was just being irrational and that you still loved me. You handled it so well, and gave me reassurance without making me feel bad for my uncontrollable reactions."

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