Homecoming PT 2

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Derek and I were taking the backroads to see a friend of his. I looked over at him to pass him the blunt, when suddenly there were blue and red lights flashing behind us.

"What the fuck?" Derek said. "They have no reason to pull me over."

"Fuck." I groaned. "This is bad."

"It's just weed, calm down sis." He looked over at me and saw the look on my face. "What's wrong?"

"I have coke on me." I said, and his face flashed between disappointment and anger.

"How much?" He snapped.

"A lot."

"Are you fucking kidding me Sienna? Why would you..." he was interrupted by a knock on his window.

He gave a deep sigh before reaching over to roll down his window. I knew as soon as he did, that this wasn't going to end well.

"Good evening. I'm officer Russo. The reason I stopped you tonight is because you have a tail light out." The man said as he leaned forward. "Do you have your license and registration?"

"Yeah, one sec." Derek said as he reached for his back pocket and grabbed his license. He then opened the glove box and grabbed the registration out and handed them both to the officer.

"Let me just run this real quick and I'll be right back." He said, and walked back towards his cruiser.

"Give me the coke." Derek said as he faced me after the officer was out of earshot.

"What? No, you'll get in trouble."

"I know, I'd rather it be me than you. As soon as he comes back he's gonna mention the marijuana. Then he's gonna search the car. You can't get pooped with this."

"I can't let you take the hit for me, Der. This is on me."

"I'm not letting you ruin your whole life Sienna. I already have petty charges. This isn't up for debate. Give it to me." He growled.

When I didn't listen, he snatched my purse and took the coke before I could get it back. He shoved it in his pants pocket, and ignored my protests.

"Derek give it back to me!" I snapped.

I stopped when the cop got back. I was hoping he just wouldn't say anything.

"Everything's good here." He said as he handed Derek his license back. "Do you have any illegal substances in the vehicle?"

"We had some marijuana." Derek admitted.

"Well, I appreciate you being honest with me on that, because I can smell it. Can you step out of the vehicle for me please?"

We both got out and stood at the front of the car. He stood with us there until another cruiser pulled up. I was freaking out internally, but I kept it together on the outside. They asked me to come to get searched, and I looked over at Derek.

"She's a minor." He snapped. "She needs a female officer."

"I'll radio one. Do you have anything on you that I should know about?" The officer asked me, and then pressed the button on the mic sitting on his shoulder and asked for a female officer.

"No, sir."

"And you?" He asked Derek.

"No." Derek replied.

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