Before you begin. . .

24.3K 238 16

Hey everyone!

It has been a while since I finished this story! There have been so many new readers commenting and supporting this book, and I wanted to thank you all for showing it so much love! When I first started it, I didn't think many people would like it because many people in the fandom tend to favor vampires more. Still, I wanted to explore the werewolves' side of things, so I went ahead and started this story. All of your comments and likes are very meaningful to me because I enjoy writing because it gives others joy and happiness. Every time I get a notification for Wattpad, it's for this story and it makes me jump at the chance to see what you've commented. Thank you to everyone who read Meadow's journey. And to everyone starting off, I hope you enjoy it!

Enough of my ranting . . . 

There are a few things I wanted to address because there has been some confusion:

1) This is a TWILIGHT story! 

There's been a lot of confusion with this, so I wanted to let you all know before you begin reading it. The love interest is Paul LaHote, and the story centers around the shape-shifters. I don't use a lot of the book/movie dialogue in the story as most of Twilight doesn't talk about the Quileutes. There are differences from the book/movie, so if you wanted to read something word for word, this is not the book for you. If you absolutely loathe Twilight, still give the story a try! There's been a few readers who have not known this was a Twilight fanfic and still liked the story.

2) This story is written in THIRD person!

I know that a lot of stories written on Wattpad are written in first person, which is fine. My first Twilight story  (The Right Swan - it's an Edward love story that is quite lacking in some aspects) was written in first person. I felt that writing in first person didn't give me as much freedom as third person does and I found myself switching point of views a handful of times in The Right Swan. I wanted to keep some structure to the story, so I went with third person. If you've read Twilight (or almost any other young adult book) then you've read a book in third person before. The point is: Don't shy away from the story because it's not using I/Me/My.

3) There is a lot of DESCRIPTION and less dialogue (most of the time) in this story. 

The chapters aren't too long (about 2,000-3,000 words each), so it shouldn't be too hard to read if you're not a fan of a lot of description (I am also one of those people - Great Expectations by Charles Dickens was so hard to read because of the never-ending descriptions (!!) but once I got through it, the book was lovely Again, let me stop. . .)

4) I will be editing this story in the near future. 

There aren't any huge grammatical errors or even that many (so I've seen and been told), so don't be afraid to read the story. I promise it is easily digestible grammar wise! I'm thinking I'll probably start editing it once I finish my Alec fanfic, so around April). There might be some minor changes to the plot/characters/dialogue/etc. because there's always something I can change or improve upon. Nothing too drastic will change as I am very happy with this story as a whole.

5)I'm thinking of doing a bonus chapter! 

I've done this with The Right Swan, and I think I will do it once I find some free time. I'm thinking that once this story reaches 200K reads I'll post a bonus chapter. Let me know if you have any ideas for it (without spoiling the story for new readers)!

Stay Reading! Stay Healthy! Stay Awesome!

Edited completely as of 05/31/21

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