Chapter 31

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Edited 05/31/21

Walking up to the Cullens' house, Meadow wasn't given a chance to knock as Carlisle greeted her by the open front door with a smile. She gave him a small smile in return and stepped inside. The sound of a basketball game playing was heard in the room over and the smell of all seven of the Cullens permeated the air. Mixed in with their scents was one of Bella Swan. It was strong, hinting to the fact that Bella was present.

Carlisle led Meadow to the living room and gestured for her to take a seat on one of the available couch cushions. Edward and Bella were already sitting on the love seat, so Meadow took the farthest set away from Rosalie on the longer couch. Esme was standing next to Carlisle while Emmett sat on the armrest beside Rosalie and Alice and Jasper stood to the right of Edward.

Bella waved at Meadow, who reciprocated the action half-heartedly. She wasn't sure what Bella was doing at the meeting, but she wouldn't speak on it. It was up to the Cullens whether they wanted her present or not.

"Welcome, Meadow," Carlisle said. "You had some questions for us?"

"Yes," she said, unconsciously straightening in her seat. Her hands were sweaty, and she was nervous about representing her pack. It was important to be the sole voice of nine people. What if she forgot something? What if she forgot what they said and got the information wrong? She knew it was irrational, but she couldn't help feel immense responsibility for the pack's lives.

"Your worries are for naught," Edward said. Meadow widened her eyes in surprise before she narrowed them and glared at the bronze-haired male.

"Please refrain from reading my thoughts. They're private for a reason," she said menacingly. She did not appreciate his 'gift' when it wasn't useful.

"I apologize. I cannot control it," Edward said with a hesitant smile.

"Then, don't comment on them," Meadow said. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, forgetting where she was. She winced at the harsh stinging her nose underwent and sighed in frustration.

"I'm sorry about the smell. I would have sprayed the house if I knew you were this sensitive," Esme apologized.

"It's not like the dog doesn't smell either," Rosalie bit out.

"Rose," Esme scolded her.

"It's fine," Meadow said. "I understand the circumstances aren't great, but I'm grateful you allowed me into your home. The pack is trying to come up with a strategy for the battle, but we need to know what you are planning to do first?"

"Right, I'm sure Jasper can answer your question," Carlisle said. "Jasper?"

"We will be waiting in the field for the newborns," Jasper said.

"The field we're training in?" Meadow asked for clarification.

"Correct. The pack will join us when all the newborns are on the field. That should only take a few seconds to occur."

"Do you know which direction the newborns will be coming from?"


Meadow started configuring strategies in her mind the more information Jasper gave her. The best entrance for the pack would be coming from the east. A few of them could jump from the precipice situated there and get the jump on the newborn army. Of course, she'd have to figure out a starting formation, then. Only the strongest and more experienced wolves should be jumping from the rock and entering the middle of the battle so suddenly.

"Where will Bella be during all of this?" Meadow asked. "A member or two of the pack could watch over her while the rest of us fight."

"I'm going to be on the mountain with Edward," Bella informed her. Meadow looked at Edward and raised an eyebrow at him, questioning his thoughts on the matter.

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