Chapter 29

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Edited 05/31/21

Graduation came and Meadow was happy to finally be a graduate. She was wearing a flowy, white dress held up by two spaghetti straps that stopped mid-thigh. It wasn't one of her favorite things to wear, but it was a requirement for all girls to wear. Her school colors were white and black; the boys were assigned black graduation gowns and the girls were assigned white graduation gowns.

Honestly, she hated whoever thought the girls should be required to wear a certain color while the boys could wear whatever. Most boys would probably wear the classic black and white combo, but the fact that they were given a choice peeved her. Not only that but she didn't like wearing dresses. They were too flimsy and weren't ideal for movement.

She grabbed her white graduation gown and matching cap and headed out of her room. Thankfully, she could wear whatever shoes she wanted; she opted for slightly scuffed-up, white sandals. Her hair was brushed out and she had swiped some tinted chapstick on her lips. She wasn't big on make-up, but she wanted to look a little dressed up for the occasion.

There was a knock at the front door, signaling that Paul had made it to her house. Jake answered the door in a pair of jeans and a nice shirt. Her dad was in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. She heard Jacob greet Paul as she rounded the hallway corner. Paul stood in the doorway with a carefree smile on his face. She looked him over and nodded her head in appreciation. He was wearing a white button-up dress shirt that was tucked into a pair of black slacks. His black gown was thrown over his outfit. On his feet were a pair of black vans. She raised an eyebrow but decided not to comment on it. His hair was gelled to the left and his black cap sat atop his head.

When her roaming eyes connected with his, he smirked and looked her up and down. He stepped further into the house and held out a small bouquet of flowers. She hadn't noticed them before and was mildly surprised he had brought them.

"For you," he said. She took them and smelled them before going into the kitchen to find a vase.

"Paul's here," she informed her father as she filled a vase up with water. She turned the tap off and placed the flowers in the vase. She set the vase on the kitchen table and ushered her dad into the living room.

"Let's get this over with," she muttered under her breath.

"Don't sound so excited," Paul retorted. She rolled her eyes and stood next to him. He pulled her further into his side by throwing an arm around her shoulders. She outwardly scowled, but on the inside, she was happy to be in his arms again. When her dad rounded the corner, she elbowed Paul in his side hard, causing him to cough and curl in.

"Paul," Billy said as he wheeled himself closer to them. He held out a hand for Paul to shake.

"Billy," Paul said as he shook his hand. Then, he gave Meadow a look. She sighed and put on a cheery smile before introducing the two to each other.

"Dad, this is my imprint, Paul. Paul, this is my dad, Billy," she said plainly.

"It's nice to meet you, son," Billy said with a smile. "I trust you to take care of her."

"Of course, sir. Meadow's in good hands," Paul replied.

"Can we go now?" she asked. They chuckled at her expense and followed her out of the house. Meadow reached for the driver's door when a hand beat her to it. She narrowed her eyes and glared at her brother.

"I'm driving," Jake said. "I'd rather have something to do than hear you and Paul flirt the entire ride there."

"It's my car," Meadow argued. "I'm driving."

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