Chapter 11

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Edited 05/25/21

Meadow was bored as she watched Jacob teach Bella how to ride the motorcycle. It was fun watching how flustered Bella was at the idea of riding it, but they didn't interact with her much. She was sitting on the dirt road, not caring that her pants were getting dirty from the dust and pebbles. She debated on whether she should leave them by themselves and go venture somewhere else. It wouldn't be the first time she's done something similar, so she knew Jake wouldn't care if she just disappeared.

"You look scared," Jake said. Meadow swiveled her head and observed her two companions. Bella was straddling the motorcycle while Jake was holding on to the handlebars. Their faces were inches apart.

"I'm not," Bella said. She's lying, Meadow thought. Judging by the skeptical look on Jake's face, he wasn't buying it, either. Meadow listened intently as Jake pointed out the important parts of the bike - the parts that allowed Bella to ride it - and asked Bella to identify them. Brake, clutch, gas. After Bella correctly identified all three, Jacob grinned and kick-started the bike. It roared to life, and Meadow had to cover her ears from the thunderous noise.

"Slowly release the clutch," he told Bella. Bella did as instructed and the bike moved forward an inch. Jake cautiously stepped back from the bike as she moved forward another inch. Suddenly, her hand slipped off the clutch and the bike bucked. It fell on top of her, causing her to groan in pain. Jake quickly lifted it off her and asked, "Are you okay? Bruises, breaks-?"

"I'm going again," Bella interrupted him. Meadow' frowned at her tenacity.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," Jake said to no avail. Bella stood up as quickly as she could and hopped back onto the bike. Meadow sighed at the idiocy of it all.

"I know you just started, but you should take a break," Meadow said. She wasn't about to let Bella break a bone or get a concussion from her stubbornness.

"Guess we're going again," Jake mumbled out exasperatedly. "Now, what are you going to do with the clutch?"

"Release it. Slowly," Bella responded. Jake nodded and kick-started the bike again. With no hesitation, Bella released it and moved forward. She moved slowly, at first, and then shot off down the road. Meadow watched as Bella shot down the road. Her eyebrows raised in astonishment, and she wondered where all of Bella's hesitation went.

"How do I turn?" Bella suddenly yelled out. Meadow realized that she was headed towards a curve in the road and Jacob had never taught her how to turn. Meadow figured all you had to do was turn the handlebars, but she'd never ridden a motorcycle before so she couldn't be sure.

"Bank it!" Jake yelled. "Bank - hit the brake!"

He raced towards Bella as she doesn't bank or brake and flies through a wall of trees. Meadow rushed after him. She knew it was a bad idea from the start, but that wasn't really the time to start gloating. Instead, she kneeled by Bella's side and checked her over for injuries. The only visible one she saw was on her head. She was bleeding.

"What, are you training for the X-games?" Jake asked, trying to find humor in the situation.

Bella looked around before she said, "I want to go again."

"No," Meadow automatically responded.

"I don't have to listen to you," Bella said with a glare aimed at Meadow.

"Forget it," Jake cut in. "I'm revoking your motorcycle privileges. Man, look at your head."

Jake pulled off his shirt to mop up the blood dribbling down her face. Bella shrank away in embarrassment.

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