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Edited 05/31/21

Meadow woke up at seven in the morning and yawned. Paul was still sleeping soundly next to her. His back was facing her, and soft snores left his open mouth. She smiled softly at the sight and rubbed his arm twice before climbing out of bed. Her nightgown fell slightly above her ankles at the movement. She walked to the bathroom to pee before she made her way downstairs to start breakfast. She started the coffee pot and fixed up some pancakes.

When all the batter was cooked, she turned the stove off and walked back upstairs. She opened a door and narrowed her eyes when it squeaked. She'd have to remind Paul, once again, to fix it. She crept up to the bed and gently shook the male. She heard a groan before he turned in the bed and fell back asleep. She giggled and shook him again. He groaned again and finally opened his dark-brown eyes. She leaned over him and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"What time is it?" he asked as he rubbed his eyes with his balled-up fists.

"Time for you to wake up," she said.

"Do I have to go to school, momma?" the male asked. He pleaded with his eyes for her to change her mind, but she wouldn't budge.

"It's about time you start kindergarten, Dakota," she told him.

"I don't want to leave you and daddy and Nina," Dakota said.

"Don't you want to learn things to teach to Nina?" she asked. She ran her fingers through his long black locks to soothe him. He leaned into her touch and launched himself at her. Air escaped her and a small pain shot through her body, and she withheld from squeaking.

"Be careful, Kota," she said breathlessly. "Nina isn't ready to leave momma's belly yet."

"Sorry, momma," Dakota apologized. He withdrew from her and refused to look at her. She used two of her fingers to lift his chin up and meet his sorrowful gaze.

"We're alright. Why don't you get dressed while I wake up your dad? Meet us downstairs, okay?"

He sluggishly threw the covers off his body and got out of bed. He grabbed the clothes set out for him off his dresser and walked to the bathroom. Meadow hummed and walked into her room to wake Paul up. She shook him four times before he woke up groggily.

"Morning," he said tiredly.

"Morning," she said. She kissed him and waited for him to fully wake up. He stretched and sat up in bed. He wiped at his eyes and blinked a couple of times before he stood up. Meadow admired the way his hair stuck up wildly in the air. It matched his mustache and beard, both of which were trimmed and cut per her request.

"Is Dakota up yet?" he asked as he pulled out a pair of pants and a shirt.

"He's getting dressed in the bathroom. He's nervous," she commented.

"He'll be fine," Paul said. "Jacy is starting kindergarten, too. I'm sure Kim won't mind if Kota walks with them."

Once he was dressed, he hugged Meadow and slid down to the ground so that he was eye level with her stomach. He slid her nightgown up and kissed her bare belly tenderly.

"And is Nina awake, too?" he asked.

"She is. She's kicked a few times since I woke up."

"Two more months and we'll get to meet our little girl," Paul said.

"I can't wait either," she mused. "But seriously, Paul. Talk to Dakota. He needs reassurance."

Paul sighed and kissed her belly one more time before he let her nightgown fall back down. He kissed her on both cheeks, her forehead, and then her lips. He left the room and Meadow heard Dakota squeal and run around. She smiled and followed her husband. She entered the kitchen and saw Paul chasing after Dakota around the table. She watched them until Paul bumped into the table and a cup fell to the floor. Thankfully, it was plastic.

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