Chapter 1

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^^ How I picture Meadow ^^

Edited 05/25/21

Meadow Black sat in her English class bored out of her mind. All she really wanted to do was leave the classroom and eat lunch. Unfortunately, the time ticked away slower than usual, making the already long class feel like an eternity. In truth, the class ran the normal forty-minute length, but when you factored in the fact that Meadow's lunch period was right after her English class and the fact that she hadn't eaten since seven that morning, it felt prolonged. What she wouldn't give to be sitting at a lunch table eating the same greasy food the cafeteria served.

Meadow sighed and leaned her head in the palm of her hand. The boy sitting next to her made things worse by continuously bouncing his leg up and down. The movement caused the table to shake uncontrollably and produced a quiet banging sound. It irritated Meadow as she was trying to write down the notes she knew she would need for their test the following week. She stopped writing and looked down at the words on her paper, internally yelling at the boy for making it so ineligible. She gave up writing and dropped her pencil on the desk. I only need to get through five more minutes of this class, Meadow thought to herself.

Five minutes later, the bell rang to signal the end of the period. Meadow silently cheered and started packing up her stuff. She walked out the classroom and followed the large horde of hungry and excited students. She quickly made her way to the lunch line, getting there before the queue got too big. She grabbed a tray with the daily lunch already on it and customized her meal by snagging an apple and a chocolate cookie. She maneuvered herself through the teenager-filled cafeteria until she arrived at a table situated in the far corner of the room. She dropped her tray and sat as comfortably as she could on the small, hard, metal seat. She unzipped her backpack to grab the book she was carrying and started digging into her food.

Meadow had lunch alone, like she usually did. It wasn't that she wasn't a likable person, in fact she tried to stay as polite as possible. The problem was that she was so quiet. She didn't like unnecessary talk and only talked when she wanted to. She didn't like talking to people unless she was comfortable around them, too. Because of these reasons, Meadow didn't make friends easily. No one wanted such a closed off person as their friend, so she tended to keep herself company.

Meadow got to the 40th page before her reading was interrupted by her younger brother and his goofy friends. Meadow sighed, placed a bookmark in the book, and slammed it shut dramatically. She stashed the book away and looked at the three young Sophomores, waiting for them to say something.

"Hey, Meadow," Embry greeted. Embry was the quieter one of the bunch, but he could still talk your ear off. He had a softer voice and was a bit more kind than the other two. He wore his hair like most of the teens on the Reservation did, long and in a ponytail, and was the lankier one of the group.

"Hi, Embry," Meadow greeted back.

"Meadow, what's up? Did you buy that cookie for me?" Quil asked as he tried to snatch the chocolate chip cookie from her tray. Quil was the loudest out of the three boys and he didn't care that he was. He was a bit chubbier than the other two and wore his hair in a short haircut that accentuated his curls.

"I bought that cookie with my own quarter, Quil, so no, it is not for you," she answered as she intercepted his hand.

"Stop bothering my sister," Jacob said as he smacked Quil's head. Jacob was Meadow's younger and only brother. Unfortunately for him, he was born into a family already loaded with three daughters. Jacob had long hair like Embry, albeit straighter than Embry's. He was the most easygoing in the group and didn't get mad over much.

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