Chapter 9

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Edited 05/25/21

I should have never come, Meadow thought as she wondered why in the world she said yes in the first place. Everything was fine. Meadow met Bella's friend, Jessica, who carried the entire conversation between the three of them. Meadow didn't like her due to her bubbly and nosy personality. The movie was okay; nothing special in Meadow's eyes, but entertaining, nonetheless. Everything was fine. That is, until Bella recklessly jumped on the back of some dude's motorcycle and sped off with him. Meadow was dumbfounded at her actions and wondered if she had gone mad. She looked at Jessica with a look of disbelief, silently asking if Bella did that sort of thing all the time. Jessica was just as shocked as she. When Bella returned to them, Jessica was livid, and Meadow was fuming.

"What were you thinking?" Jessica snapped. "You don't know them! They could have been psychopaths!"

Bella shrugged and plainly said, "I just thought I knew the one guy."

"You are so odd, Bella Swan. I feel like I don't know who you are," Jessica said. Meadow surmised that Bella was usually not so reckless if Jessica's reaction was anything to go by. But that pegged the question: Why is she now?

"Sorry," Bella said lamely.

What a great apology, Meadow thought sarcastically. She thought that Bella should have been more careful. It wasn't just Bella there, it was Bella, Jessica, and Meadow. Putting your friends in danger by walking up to a stranger was a bad move. Even if nothing came out of it, even if nothing had happened, something still could have happened. Meadow was glad she had declined Bella's offer of a ride and had driven herself. She didn't know if she would have been able to be in a car with Bella after her stunt.

A few days later, Meadow was sitting on her bed rewriting notes when there was a knock on the front door. Glancing at her door, she listened as someone - a very cheery Jacob - answered the door. Wondering why he was so excited, she rose from her bed and peeked out her door. With a scowl, she shut her door closed. Bella Swan was at her house. Meadow left her room and entered the living room to see what Bella wanted. Upon entering the room, her presence went unnoticed, causing Meadow to grow suspicious.

She watched as Bella placed a hand on Jacob's upper arm. Her eyes sharpened as Bella looked up at Jake through her eyelashes and sweetly smiled at him. There was no way she was going to let Bella Swan seduce her brother after what happened at the movies. She walked up to the pair and not-so-subtly pulled Bella from her brother.

"What are you doing here?" Meadow questioned her. She saw an alarmed look overcome Bella's features, causing her eyes to narrow further. Jacob relaxed the tension in the room by laughing.

"Relax, Bella," he said, clamping a hand down on Meadow's shoulder. "Meadow won't tell on us."

Bella's body loosened and an awkward smile graced her face. Meadow, on the other hand, refused to back down. She stared at her brother, waiting for him to elaborate.

He sighed and said, "Bella found these really cool dirt bikes. She asked me to patch 'em up! The best thing is I get to keep them!"

"Dad's going to be mad," Meadow told him.

"Which is why you're not going to say anything."

Meadow pondered over her options. She really should tell her dad, but she didn't want Jake to get in trouble. Besides, he was just fixing them up now. It would be a while until he finished both, meaning there were a few months before he'd ride them. Still, she was wary of Bella's plans. It wasn't like the Swan to flirt with anyone. Besides, she was just sour the other day about her ex-boyfriend. Figuring that she could just tell on Jacob the minute he got injured, she nodded her head. Jacob whooped and grabbed Bella's hand to lead her to the garage.

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