Chapter 37

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Edited 05/31/21

The Cullen house was as pristine as ever. Not wanting to show up without notice, Meadow had called Carlisle a few days prior to let him and the rest of the Cullens know she and Jake were coming over to discuss the treaty. As always, Carlisle was waiting for her to approach the front door to hold the door open for her. She thanked him and walked in with Jake on her tail. She already knew her way around the house, so she made her way confidently to the living room and waited for everyone to show up.

Jake settled on standing behind her while she sat on the couch. A minute later, the Cullens and Bella entered the living room and found spots to sit or stand in during the discussion. Bella smiled at Jake, but he avoided her gaze.

"I understand you wanted to discuss the treaty," Carlisle said. His tone was polite yet wary.

"Yes," Meadow said. "We got your wedding invitation. Congratulations."

"Thank you," Edward murmured quietly.

"Your wedding implies that you will be turning Bella. Is this correct?" she asked.

"We have all agreed it would be best for Bella and our family if she were turned," Carlisle confirmed.

"Then, I should remind you of the treaty."

"We don't want any trouble," Esme said carefully. "We just want Edward to be happy."

"I understand. However, the treaty states that if any of you were to bite a human, our agreement is void," Meadow reminded them. "When you turn Bella, you will be breaking the treaty, and our agreement to remain passive will end."

"What, so, you'll go after them?" Bella asked incredulously. "Jake, you can't let that happen."

"As of a while ago, I am Alpha," Meadow said pridefully. "Jake may be my Beta, but it is ultimately up to me whether or not the pack dishes out punishment."

"What are you suggesting, mutt?" Rosalie asked with narrowed eyes.

"We have a proposition for you," Jake informed them. "It involves keeping both parties from fighting."

"Please," Carlisle said, gesturing for Meadow and Jake to continue explaining.

"You may turn Bella, but you can't turn her in Forks. Furthermore, you have to leave the area before you do so. After what the pack has witnessed newborns can do, we have unanimously agreed we do not want any more running around," Meadow told them.

"We can do that. It's about time we left town, anyway," Emmett said.

"What about Charlie?" Bella asked. "I can't just leave him."

"That's not our problem," Meadow said.

"Maybe we could have more time?" Edward suggested. "Or we could be allowed to come back once Bella has her thirst under control?"

"Your wedding isn't until the second week of August. You still have three weeks," Jacob said.

"Thank you. We'll take your words into consideration," Carlisle said.

"There is no considering this," Meadow said sternly. "In actuality, we aren't giving you a choice. You either leave civilly or we make you leave the hard way."

"We own this property," Rosalie sneered. "Legally, you can't make us do anything."

"We'll be back, Rose," Alice reassured her. "We always come back."

"That's the other thing," Jacob said.

"You aren't allowed back in Forks once you leave," Meadow informed them. The Cullens protested heavily. Jacob looked to Meadow to see how she would react, but she remained passive. They could protest all they wanted, but she wasn't going to change her mind. She spoke to the pack and to the Elders for the best course of action, and this was it.

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