Chapter 35

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I sat on the cold floor with my knees drawn to my chest. The strangers all stood around awaiting Luciano's arrival.

I felt an unfamiliar feeling of what I'd assume anxiety creep up my spine, making me shiver. I wanted to be by Luciano's side but at the same time the thought of Luciano walking into a trap and getting harmed made my chest feel tight.

"Luciano's gotten slack in his old age," Amelia suddenly says as she gazes lazily at her pointy black colored nails.

"-he was quite the punctual man back in our day," she says winking at me with an evil smile.

The slender woman radiated pure hatred and smugness towards me. I couldn't help but use this time to openly stare at her. She was a beautiful woman, but with cold and vacant eyes. I wondered if she was a different girl before the many years she spent roaming this earth. Perhaps when she was human. And that if her past relationship with Luciano could of been one filled with warmth and joy. All I've been to Luciano was an empty void of a soul he decided to stay by.

Before anyone could mutter out a reply to Amelia's words, she suddenly gasped.

Before I could even react to the sudden change in her demeanor, my eye caught the movement of an object moving. The people in the building suddenly began to murmur and shuffle around as if to be on alert. I couldn't see as clearly as them, the moons night light shining in from the broken structure leaving other areas dimly lit to completely dark.

I blinked, before recognising what seemed to be a detached head suddenly rolling by me, leaving a sickly trail of blood.

My stomach rolled at the sight as I scrambled away from the head and stumbled to my feet just as a black blur zapped through the middle of the room.

One of the two bulky guys that accompanied George slowly walked out of the shadows ready to attack, filling the room just as George silently stalked out from the dark corner of the building.

Amelia watched from where she stood in what seemed like anticipation.

And the green haired boy that dragged me here to begin with stayed close to the shadows, silently watching.

"Luciano," George called out, "-do not play such childish games," he said stepping over the head by his feet, the detached vampire body to his left not alarming him.

My heart did a slight flutter at the mention of Luciano's name and I snapped my head around to where the blur might appear next.

I watched with wide eyes as the blur did indeed reappear and this time the heads of another two men suddenly had been slashed off and idly rolled as their bodies dropped to the floor immediately after with a 'thud'- the blur gone in an instant.

"Grab the girl," George suddenly said, not bothering to spare me a glance as one of his men blurred by my side and grabbed my arm.

The vicious blur appeared again in the middle of the room, aiming for George this time, and I flinched expecting his head to have gotten wiped off clean like the other men it approached.

However with impossibly fast reflexes, Georges arm suddenly lashed out and caught the blur by the arm before it could attack him, making the blur still.

George then pulled his hand back and a sickening crack of a bone echoed out as the arm ripped away from the body completely tearing it off.

A strangled gasp tore out of my throat as the now frozen Axel stood with eyes widened.

George held Axel's now torn off arm and flung it to the side.

Axel swayed for a moment and took a few steps back, gripping his shoulder, his arm no longer attached to it.

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