Chapter 15

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Within the time it took for the sun to lower and hover over the horizon, I had entered my house only to eat before coming back outside to dully watch around. My house was lacking food and the fridge was close to empty.

The fact that recently anyone could appear anytime had me somewhat alert. As if to be waiting or expecting something. It was like a lot of things lately: unusual.

The sky was lit up in a beautiful orange glow that faded out into the heavy clouds. I stared, thinking a spark of awe or astonishment would lurk however my heart bet steadily, body neutral.

I sat down on the last step on my wooden porch. I glanced down at my hand that held a black lighter. Arnold's lighter. I didn't smoke, however I randomly lit it up, and released, watching the small flame disappear.

Slowly standing up, my hands slipped into my pockets and my head faced up, looking out into the sky.

I couldn't help but reminisce the path to the cemetery. The rusty metal gates and the twenty four steps it took to get to Luciano's grave.

I stepped off my porch, and threw the end of my red knitted scarf around my neck, my loose hair captured beneath it, only to begin walking with the wind, down the graveled path.

Despite everything that had been happening, my usual walks down this path was still something I went with. Even if the destination was no longer the same place.

My mother was absent as usual, and I didn't know when groceries would be stocked next. I also didn't know if she was with her boyfriend or at work.

However I dismissed those thoughts, breathing in the clear icy air.

Time seemed still whenever I walked among these trees. The repeating greenery seemed as though I was stuck in the same moment and time for once, wasn't ticking away and counting down towards our final breath. It was a loophole that allowed my mind to stop focusing on the bitter end. If anything, I guess this atmosphere and route was something I enjoyed. Perhaps a hobby one would call it.  

I'd think of it as a tedious routine. But then again it was one of the very few things that made me remember to live. Something to do. Therefore in a way the walk to the small store was simply something.

But then again, as always, conventional.

I felt blank.

I continued to walk the long path that after awhile, eventually smoothed out into a main road.

That was empty.

The walk from my house to town wasn't a quick one and a path I didn't exactly take. Therefore this store being the closest, was surely enough.

As I walked down the empty wide road that was lined with trees on either side, I spotted the little drive in that allowed space for cars.

It was the closest grocery store to my house however furthest from the central part of town.

Once I crossed over to the right side, I walked onto the path that led to the double glass doors.

The stores glass doors was covered in many flyers and posters that inside couldn't be seen. The right glassed door had a crack in it, like it had been slammed too hard or a bird had flew into it.

I paused just in front of it, staring at the numerous papers that flapped slightly due to the light wind. I glanced to my left, then my right, my hands resting in my grey coats pockets that reached my knees.

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