Chapter 13

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I stared at Axel, dazed and lightheaded.

Axel stared back at me with bright excited eyes as he suddenly fluttered them closed.

A moment later when his eyes opened, they sparkled with bliss as he slightly moaned.

He slowly stood up and backed away, finger still in his mouth, as he stared down at me with that grin of his.

"Just as I would have expected," Axel grinned delighted, "-Lovely."

I tried to move but my body was frozen and my muscles ached.

Luciano's face suddenly appeared near mine as he knelt down in front of me, his features less terrifying and his face blank.

He wrapped his left arm under my knees, and the other arm circled around my back as he stood up effortlessly like he held no weight at all.

My head was against his chest as my body felt extremely weak. I could feel just how tense his body was however my mind started going blank as I stared ahead, lids heavy.

My white robe was stained in blood, and the blood gushing out of my arm was slowly trailing down and dripping on the ground. I wasn't very much covered however I couldn't feel the cold or much pain just numbness.

I blanked out further as Luciano started walking towards the front  door.

I gazed towards the ceiling and followed it all the way to the exit.

I couldn't even think about the possibility of death or anything. Just gazed up lazily as my body was completely limp in Luciano's arms.

The cold hit me as we stepped outside, and I could sense Axel following us silently.

"Leave," Luciano said in a low voice as he walked in large steps back towards my house.

I was wondering what they'd do to me. I didn't think it'd be a normal situation that involved calling the ambulance. Or the police.

Maybe I'll bleed to death in my own home. Death had a funny way of taunting ones mind before the heart actually stopped.

However in these creatures case death must be a humorous matter. Luciano and Axel didn't seem alarmed or anxious. But then again I wasn't either.

"I'm just here to help," Axel responded in a light amused like tone. 

I now stared up at the sky dully and didn't fight the urge to close my eyes. Moments later, everything was black.


It was odd. Being in a dream, yet knowing you were dreaming and were about to wake up. I kept my eyes closed for a few seconds longer hoping my mind would drift back off into dreaming  however instead my eyes slowly opened.

I was in my bed. My sheets covering my body with an extra added brown cover that I didn't know we owned. Another noticeable aspect was that it was daytime outside.

Without a thought, I slowly sat up and paused.

There was no pain.

I glanced down to see I was in the same undergarments as yesterday. Just without my blooded robe.

I then looked over at my arm. There was no wound or a bandage.

I gazed towards my bedrooms door that was slightly open and dully stood up. I walked out of my room and followed the hall only to gaze at my kitchen and the space near it with a sofa and a brown coffee table.

Everything was still. Silent.

I rubbed my head slightly confused as I thought about the last thing that I remembered. It wasn't hard to recall the hideous creature that attacked me. Or Ms Martha's death.

Lucianoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें