Chapter 12

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After introducing himself, Axel took his leave. More accurately Luciano forced him out, not pleased with the way Axel tried to present himself as a friend.

Once Axel left, Luciano followed directly after, seemingly to be following Axel.

I thought back to the way Axel had given a salute with a wide grin, his wild blonde hair the image that comes to mind.

I recalled the way Luciano gave me a short nod his dark eyes empty, before taking his leave.

With these thoughts, I stared at my ceiling blankly, my navy coloured blanket pulled up to my face covering up to my nose meanwhile I allowed my brown eyes to stare straight ahead.

The two creatures were completely different. Irreconcilable.

Axel somewhat fitted the image of his nature. He was twisted in a unusual way and he was simply insane. However Luciano was more of a lifeless being with a darkness to him despite both of them being dead.

However the most disturbing aspect of this could possibly be my incapability to react to this. From the day of Arnold's death nothings been normal. It hasn't been the same steady routine.

I laid in my bed with the same numbness. I acknowledged the emptiness everyday wondering what other people felt on the inside.

I didn't know how to act. I didn't know how I was supposed to respond to my current ordeal. Because really, it shouldn't be real. However so far I've simply been going along with it all. However I couldn't stop the uneasy thoughts that creeped into my mind. These men carried an evil nature in what they were and I was embedding an awful amount of trust just by allowing them to come and go near me as they please.

I was certain I'd be trapped in my suppressed mindset and live with no real purpose or goal. However perhaps there was a way to stop what was going to come. Perhaps I was to warn the people of a foreshadowing death that was awaiting them.

I blinked, thoughts pausing.

I then yawned, rolling over.

What could one person possibly do against numerous creatures? Who was I to stop the towns fate of death.

I didn't have any burning desire to help prevent what was to come, so I didn't continue to think like a hero.

Despite the drowsiness I felt I hadn't fallen asleep in the past few hours. Outside was pitch black, probably only an hour or two passed midnight.

I haven't heard my mother come home in days now, and there wasn't food ready for me from the previous day. But I was used to week long gaps. Some relationships with her boyfriends were serious than others.

That or a sharp fanged creature had gotten to her.

I frowned at the thought.

Just as my eyes had fluttered closed I heard a faint noise.

I opened my eyes peering at the dark as I glanced towards my curtains that shut the view of outside away from me

However I suddenly sat up, certain I heard a noise from outside. It was a scream.

A very distant scream that I wouldn't have been able to hear if my house wasn't so silent and plunged in darkness.

I stood up steadily and moved around with the dim light of the moon that leaked through my thin grey curtains.

I paused at my bedrooms door. I only had on black underwear and a black singlet.

I slightly closed my door and grabbed the robe that hung behind it, the material not so thick.

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