Chapter 7

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I turned around and my eyes stared straight ahead. It didn't take much to figure out that the man in front of me was the man with the black coat. He undeniably carried the same aura.

He was extremely taller than what I had originally thought.

He stood a fair distance away, however I was still able to make out predominant features he acquired.

From where I stood I was able to distinguish grayish coloured eyes that were rimmed with equally dark lashes like his hair. He had an obvious jawline with stubble and he stared at me with his mouth shut tight and his stare as blank as mine.

I guess I could've simply walked away however I was certain he had called out my name.

It wasn't like I was very popular, or knew many people for that matter for him to know or have heard of me.

But then again the original question was; who is this man?

And why did I feel such a strange familiarity towards him?

"Grace," he echoed again in a much lower tone. He stared at me and he didn't physically move however it seemed as if he was familiar with my presence- by the way he stood.

His tone was also a little strange. It still held the same empty low tune to it, however it sounded as though he was testing the name to see how it'd sound. As if to be testing ones voice before blaring into a microphone.

I didn't respond as I was utterly stumped at the very peculiar situation. 

The sky had considerably darkened even more and it was yet again another dull foggy morning in this outer part of the main town. Despite his dark clothes, hair and grey like eyes, it didn't exactly blend in with the atmosphere however surprisingly did the exact opposite and stood out immensely.

I tilted my head slightly down to reach over and swoop my hair over my shoulder as I looked back up at the unknown man who was suddenly much closer. A few mere feet away. 

I looked at his eyes my mind going blank matching how I felt on the inside.

Rather than walking away and ignoring his wait, I responded like any ordinary person would.

"How do you know my name?"

That was the obvious response.

The man didn't show any signs of acknowledgement except for his unwavering stare. His hands that were balled into fists however loosened and he slowly slipped his hands into his coats pockets.

His coat was long and hovered a feet or so above the ground.

Adverting my gaze away from the small details I lazily met his gaze again.

This was getting strange and I was ready to proceed home.

Then again either way my time was slowly wasting away so what was the difference if it was by standing here or sitting on the front porch?

"You don't recognise my presence at all," the man suddenly stated in the same calm chilling voice, no hints of emotion detected at all.

"I must say, yours was quite impossible to miss."

I didn't exactly know what the man was speaking about, however was certified he felt the same familiarity.

Which yes, was odd.

He didn't seem offended or annoyed by my blank look and failure to respond. The very few people I had encountered always seemed taken aback or irritated by the way I expressed or rather, did not express myself.

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