Chapter 18

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We sat silently on the sofa. Luciano sat up much taller and I glanced up at him. 

The walk back was silent. A word wasn't uttered, even when we passed the gates of the cemetery that had yet to be complete in its construction. 

There wasn't long left now. Until tomorrow night. The town would be wiped out successfully soon enough. 

I wondered where that would leave me. Where it'd leave Luciano. Would he move to another town? 

Would he visit my grave?

I shuffled slightly at my thoughts. I didn't usually question much. 

"What is it?" Luciano asked, immediately catching onto any small detail of indifference. 

"Since I might be dead soon," I said normally, "-tell me what happened to you." 

Luciano didn't respond right away. If I hadn't turned to look at him and had he not met my gaze, he probably wouldn't have responded. 

"You're not dying anytime soon," he chose to answer, dark eyes gleaming. 

However I proceeded to stare at him blankly. Awaiting an answer. He was constantly by my side as if to be making up for the time I was beside his. Despite that, I still had yet to know about his past. I couldn't particularly even say that I knew him and here he was, in my home like always. 

"Humans," he said with a pause as I didn't look away, "-they found me out and buried me." 

"Why didn't they kill you?" I asked curiously and Luciano smirked a little. 

"Besides being dead? They probably weren't told how to kill me entirely," he said, his voice low and calm. However I noticed the way his stare lowered. 

I leaned my head back, resting it on the back of the sofa.

"Told?" I commented, "-by who?" I said staring up at the ceiling. 

I didn't sense Luciano shift from beside me and he didn't make a move to speak either. 

I knew why. This must be the part about his human lover that Axel had mentioned. I was curious as to who it was and how it ended. 

My curiousity always seemed to occur when it was regarding Luciano.

I straightened up again looking at Luciano somewhat impatient. 

"By who?" I repeated.

"Her," he said bitterly.


The tone he used with the name was unfamiliar. It was low as his voice always was, however he said it in a way that sounded softer. He said it like the word itself held delicacy and it had me sitting in my seat stiffly. 

"Tell me what happened," I said blankly.

Luciano's dark hair fell over his forehead as he peered down at the floor flatly.

"You want to know do you?" 

I only nodded which he sensed as he gazed back up and without further questioning continued to speak. 

"Amusing really," he said with a bitter laugh, his voice ice cold.

"-she fed the village with vicious rumours of our species. Which then again, I can't say was a lie. However she named me to be the host of the annual feedings. The village knew of the mysterious deaths of one village every year," he explained, holding up a finger to this. 

"-it was a time of high alert to many superstitions. If there was witchcraft then surely, there were vampires?" 

Luciano's head tilted, his attention completely away from me as if to be recalling memories. 

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