The First Date-Shan Yu

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"Shan Yu, I don't think this is going to work." We were trying to get ready for the festival. I had thought he meant just on the outskirts, but he wanted to go into the village. "Why not? I'm wearing my disguise." I sighed, shaking my head. "People will still recognize you!" He pulled the headscarf so it covered his face. "Not when I do this." I was still hesitant, but he was trying hard.

"If you say so. Let's get going." He offered me his arm, which I gladly took a hold of, and we headed out the door. Shan Yu held my hand, and we slowly made our way to the festival.

Once we got there, I was glad that people didn't recognize him immediately. We went around and played games, bought food, and enjoyed all of the intricate designs in the lanterns.

As it reached midnight, and all of the lanterns were released into the sky, Shan Yu made me look at him and captured my lips in a kiss. It was my first one, but I couldn't imagine it being more perfect. The entire night was just perfect. Until a gust of wind caught Shan Yu's headscarf, and people haired ask around us.

We quickly split and ran as soldiers started to chase us. Shan Yu picked me up to go faster, and we quickly lost the soldiers. He set me down on the porch as we both laughed. I sat down and signaled him to follow suit. "Well, I think we both expected something to happen one way or another." Shan Yu chuckled. "Yeah, sorry about that." I snuggled into his side as he put an arm around me.

"Don't worry about it. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to start dating you." I couldn't see his face, but I heard Shan Yu sigh in relief and content. I quickly feel also the sound of his heartbeat and his warmth.
Hey guys, I'm changing things here. I'm sorry! But I think this way, the task will seem a little less daunting and stressful. I'll be splitting the characters into different chapters, but there will be one almost every day. Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless

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