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How you meet:
I pulled my knees closer to my chest, watching as my clothes glitched between their various forms. This was my fault. If I had just accepted that I wasn't going to be as powerful as I used to be, none of this would have happened. Now my game was unplugged, along with that poor game, what was it? Ah, right, Q*bert. All the characters were left homeless because of me. I was just left as a ghostly glitch that nobody can see, constantly switching between my personas, alone and forgotten.

I took a shaky breath, looking around at the black void that I called home. I could get out of here, there was a plug portal, but only I could see it. I stood up, looking out of the portal when I spotted something peculiar.

It was a small man, glitching between three forms. I recognized one of them, known as Turbo. He seemed to be slightly freaking out, trying to catch someone's attention. I took a deep breath and went towards him.

He was shouting, jumping, and waving his hands in front of people. He was getting more frustrated with each second that passed. I sighed and placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me in shock, faltering as he tried to find words.

"You can see me?" I nodded my head, and he seemed relieved before he looked more closely at my glitching form. "Wait a minute... You're (y/n) from (game title)! What's going on? I thought you were dead!"

I sighed. "Turbo, we are dead. That's why no one can see us..." Turbo's face fell, his glitching going faster as his emotions took over. I pulled him into a hug, trying to calm him down. "It'll be ok Turbo, it's not all bad..."

That was a lie, and I knew it.

Getting to know each other:
I took a deep breath as I showed Turbo where my home was. He looked around in dismay. I took a deep breath, smiling as best I could at him. "I know it's not much, but it works." Turbo nodded, then turned to look at me.

"Are there any more like us?" I couldn't look him in the eyes as I shook my head no. I heard him sigh, and an awkward silence filled the air. After a moment, he sighed again and put his arm around my shoulders. "Well, at least we have each other! Now, tell me, what do you normally do?"

I pursed my lips, unable to tell him that I sat around all day wallowing in my sorrows, I knew I had to lie again. I looked him in the eyes, smiling as best I could. "Well, I normally just pick an arcade game to spend my day in and watch all the people in there interact." Turbo nodded, smiling at me.

"Can we go to sugar rush?" I nodded my head, grabbing his hand and leading him out. We soon made it to sugar rush, going through the portal. I took a deep breath, gladly inhaling the sweet scent. I looked over at Turbo, finding his glitching had mainly stopped and he was in his king candy form. I looked down at myself to find my clothes had taken on a colorful candy aesthetic as well.

Turbo smiled at me. "You know, I used to rule this place! After my game was unplugged, I came here and messed with the code and, and I..." he faltered slightly, suddenly looking guilty and upset. "And I ruined a little girl's life..." he frowned, glitching into a bug-like form. "Did this happen to you? It feels like everything I've done wrong is now ten times as bad..."

I nodded my head. "When you die, your code gets reset a bit, and you can see things through new eyes. You can see just how much you hurt people..." Turbo grabbed my hand and sighed, his smile melancholy.

"Well, why don't I give you a tour of the place?" I nodded my head, and he grabbed my hand to lead me around.

They save you:
It had been almost a month since Turbo and I had started hanging out, and a new plug portal had opened. We had gone through it only minutes ago, and it was so different from anything I had ever seen. It was so big, and there were so many things.

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