Proposal 1

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Shan Yu🪶:
Shan Yu seemed to become more nervous as he looked me in the eyes. He grabbed my hands, smiling gently at me, and he pulled me into a hug.

"(Y/n), I love you so, so much." I hugged him back, smiling into his shoulder. "I love you too, my dear." I felt him take a shaky breath as he kissed the top of my head.

"(Y/n), in this past year, I've been happier than I've ever been, and it's all because of you. I looked at you, and I see my joy, my love, I see..." he stops for a moment, pulling away from me so he could look at me, and reached a hand into his pocket. "I see my future."

I felt myself getting teary-eyed as he took his hand out of his pocket, smiling at me. He got on one knee, his hands shaking slightly. "I want to make you as happy as you've made me. I want to be able to look at you one day, and be able to say, 'that is my soulmate, that is my love, that is my everything.' I want to be able to hold you and tell everyone you chose me. That despite everything I've ever done, you chose me."

His eyes were misty as he showed me a ring. "This is the ring that my father used to propose to my mother with. It's an heirloom of sorts. With this ring, he promised to love her forever, through everything, in this life and to the one beyond. I'm hoping I can make the same promise to you." I tried to keep my composer as I looked at the ring, a beautiful, simple gold ring, decorated with a small red stone.

I could barely hold back tears as he grabbed my left hand. "(Y/n), will you join me forever as my wife?" I quickly nodded my head. "Yes, by the stars yes!" Shan Yu smiled, slipping the ring on my finger. I stared at it for a second before my Now fiancé pulled me into a kiss.

I was so happy at this moment, and I hope I could feel this kind of joy again.

Gaston grabbed my hand and looked up at me, holding one hand behind his back. This became even more suspicious when LeFou looked at it, smiled, and ran off.

"Gaston, what's going on?" He sighed, placing a kiss on my knuckles. "You're so beautiful (y/n), I don't know what I did to deserve you." I smiled back at him. "I don't know, but I'm happy you're here." He sighed, massaging my hand.

"I love you so much (y/n). I don't know where I would be without you. I know I would be dead, but aside from that, I might be worse than I was. I might never have made up with LeFou. I might be a lonely, angry man living alone." He pulled a gold ring from behind him. Diamonds in the shape of a flower rested on top.

I gripped Josephine's hair in my excitement as Gaston smiled up at me. "You saved me (y/n), so I owe my life. But with my life, I also want to give you my heart for eternity. Will you be my eternity?" I smiled at him, a warm fluttering in my chest.

"I will, Gaston. As long as you promise to love me and treat me as your equal." Gaston nodded, gently slipping the ring onto my finger. I looked at the ring in bliss, then leaned down to kiss Gaston. I felt him smiling into the kiss and knew I would be happy with this man.

I held the squirming puppy in my arms as Hades caressed my face, resting his hand on my cheek. The fire atop his head was tinged pink as he smiled gently at me.

"(Y/n), this next present I am about to give you had two purposes." He pulled out a ring, made with a dark, shiny metal and a large, bright blue gem resting in the middle. It was decorated with leaves and flowers.

"This gem is a paraiba tourmaline. I imbued it with my own magic, so you could be immortal, then I can have my favorite human forever." I nodded nervously, still unsure about the whole immortality thing, but I think Hades could sense that. "I've also prepared one for your sister." I nodded again, that made me feel a little better.

Hades sighed, grabbing my left hand. "The second purpose is to ask you to marry me." I felt tears spring to my eyes as I covered my mouth with my free hand. "What do you say (y/n)? Will you be my immortal queen?" I nodded my head, not trusting my voice.

Hades smiled and put the ring on my finger. He pulled me into a kiss, and then I felt a strange energy flow through my body. I pulled away and looked at myself.

My skin was now a light shade of (y/f/c), and my nails were painted a darker shade of the same color. My hair now easily reached the back of my knees and was an enchanting (2/f/c).  I smiled, looking up at hades.

"Do I still look beautiful?" Hades smiled and kissed my forehead. "Of course, but even if you weren't I would love you still." I hugged Hades as Philo ran around our feet.

Dr. Facilier🪡:
"I know we're dead (y/n), but there are things I want to experience that I never got to when I was alive. One of the things that you've shown me that I've never experienced before is true love." I smiled as Nyx jumped down and started wandering around, watching Facilier reach into his pocket.

"(Y/n), this ring has been in my family for generations. I don't know how we kept it, but it's straight from Africa. I don't even know how I kept it in death." He pulled out a wide-banded gold ring, with intricate symbols carved into the metal.

"This ring represents the hope my family held onto, the love they had for each other and for themselves. And now, I'm hoping it will represent the love I have for you." I tried not to cry as he grabbed my hand. I knew this wouldn't be like last time.

"(Y/n), will you marry me?" I took a shaky breath before responding. "I will Facilier. Thank you!" Facilier stood up and pulled me into a kiss. He slipped the ring on my finger, and then there was a bright light.

I heard Tiana's footsteps and opened my eyes. I wasn't floating anymore, and Facilier wasn't transparent anymore. I looked at him and then felt Tiana touch my shoulder. "You're... back to life?" I smiled, and Facilier hugged me.

Behind him, I could see the council smiling. I sighed. This has all been a setup to find my Happily ever after, and I couldn't be happier.

I felt Scar grab my hand. "I know you can't see it (y/n), but I have a ring here. I made it myself from gold and a beautiful green stone." I smiled at him. "Remind me what green is Scar, please?" I heard Scar chuckle. "Of course love. Green is like the grass beneath our feet, alive and young. Green is like the leaves of trees in the middle of summer. Green is almost any alive, healthy plant." I nodded and smiled. "Green sounds like a very beautiful color." Scar kissed my forehead.

"It is. Now, the reason I have this ring is that I want to ask you something." I nodded my head, knowing where this was going. "(Y/n), you've shown me that even in darkest times, there is hope. Through all the struggles that we may face, you've shown me we will get through it. I want to be there for you. I want to be your guiding light as you are my anchor. And, if you will permit me to do so, I want to marry you."

I felt tears make their way down my cheeks as I eagerly nodded my head. "Yes, I would love to marry you Scar!" He pulled me into a kiss as he slipped the ring onto my finger. I knew this chapter would be so much better than the ones before it.

Cruell de Vil🐩:
Cruell set Star down and took my book and our lunch from my hand and set it on the table. "I wouldn't have been able to get back on my feet if it weren't for you (y/n). I owe all of my success and fruition to you." He pulled me into a hug and started whispering in my ear.

"I owe everything to you, and I want to give you even more." He held me for another moment, then stepped away, pulling a ring off his desk. It was a small rose gold band with a large heart-shaped fire Opal and a small Ruby rested in the crook of the heart.

"I want to marry you (y/n) if you will allow me to do so." I quickly nodded my head as tears pooled in my eyes. "I w-will Cruell, a thousand t-times yes!" He pulled me into a hug, slipping the ring on my finger.

I was so happy to finally have found the love of my life.

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