Proposal 3

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Bill Sykes💵:
Bill sighed as he took my hand in his, smiling gently at me. His hands were huge compared to mine, almost engulfing my hands entirely. "(Y/n), if you hadn't saved me that day in the river, I wouldn't have had the chance to become a better man. You showed me that I could be a better man than I was, and gave me a second chance at life. For that, I owe you my life, and so much more."

I smiled at him, shaking my head. "You don't owe me anything, Bill. You've given me a home, more money than I know what to do with, and love. I couldn't ask for anything more!" Bill chuckled, kissing my cheek.

"Well, I feel you deserve more, my princess. That's why I have another gift for you." Bill got down on one knee, pulling out a velvet box with a ring inside. The ring had a gold band, with the biggest diamond I had ever seen. I covered my mouth with my hand as tears spilled out, feeling my knees becoming weak.

"(Y/n), my love, my guiding star, will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?" I nodded my head, collapsing to the ground and pulling Bill into a hug. "Yes! Nothing would make me happier!" Bill hugged me back, squeezing me tight.

After a moment, he pulled away and put the ring on my finger. I stared at it for a minute and giggled a little. "Geez, this must have cost a small fortune!" Bill chuckled, pulling me onto his lap. "Only the best for my dear princess." I smiled, cuddling into him, then laughing as I felt the balls of warm fluff cuddle into us as well. Almost nothing could make this day any better.

I looked at Maleficent, who cupped my cheek and smiled at me. "(Y/n), I have no idea what I did to deserve you, but now that I have you, I'm never going to let go. You have shown me what a powerful magic love can be, and I want to continue to explore that magic with you." I nodded my head, leaning into his hand.

"I love you too Maleficent, more than there are stars in the sky, more than there are grains of sand on the beach." Maleficent chuckled, kissing me. I smiled into the kiss, feeling at home in Maleficent's arms.

Maleficent pulled away, gently smiling at me. I smiled back at him, taking a deep breath. Maleficent kissed my forehead, then stepped back. "(Y/n), I may not know much about human affairs, but I do know one thing." Maleficent then pulled out a ring, made out of intertwined evervines and a beautiful moon blossom on top. I smiled looking at it.

"(Y/n), will you marry me?" I tackled Maleficent in a hug, tears gathering in my eyes. "I will! I'm so happy Maleficent!" Maurice hugged me, then placed the ring on my finger.

"May this ring represents my love for you. With the evervines to represent how long I will love you, and the moon blossom to represent that I will love you through everything. Thank you, (y/n), for loving me and letting me love you." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Maleficent." We stayed in each other's arms for another moment, until I felt the unicorn nudge my side. He wedged himself in between us, neighing for my attention. I giggled as Maleficent pouted.

"Don't worry love, you are still my favorite." Maleficent huffed, but smiled and pet the unicorn lightly.

Father Gothel🏵:
"(Y/n), before I give you your second present, I need to table you somewhere!" I nodded my hand and put the dragon into my breast pocket. Gothel helped me stand up, and we were off.

Gothel held my hand, and it seemed that with every step, he got more and more nervous. He started messing with my fingers, but he smiled at me and held me close to his side.

We soon reached a clearing in the woods near a beautiful pond. Gothel turned to me, and he sighed. "(Y/n), I don't know why or how, but you bright me back to life, and then learned to love me. You helped to quiet my fears, and you brought out the best in me. I love you, (y/n)."

I smiled as he brought out a ring. It was a silver band with the metal twisted into a beautiful flower. "This flower used to represent how selfish I was, but not I'm hoping to flip the representation to show how much I love you. (Y/n), will you marry me, my flower?"

I nodded my head quickly, letting him slip the ring onto my finger. I then pulled him into a tight hug, unrolling to let go for a while. Gothel held me close, burying his face in my neck and his hands in my hair. "Thank you so much (y/n). I promise I'll make you as happy as I possibly can." I nodded my head. "I promise to try and do the same for you."

We started in each other's arms in the sun for I don't know how long, especially since we fell asleep like that. My happiness continued into my dreams as I dreamed of our wedding, our kids, and us growing old together.

Captain Hook🏴‍☠️:
I felt my breath catch in my throat as James got on one knee and pulled out a ring. The ring was familiar to me. With a rose gold band and a diamond surrounded by rose quartz, it was my mother's wedding ring.

"(Y/n), you came on this ship because you felt lonely everywhere else. I invited you because I thought you'd provide me with some entertainment. But you've given me so much more than that.

"You've given me love and laughter and comfort. You've made this ship truly feel like a home, and me and my crew can't thank you enough for it. I can never repay you for all you have done for us, but I want to ask you one more favor. Will you marry me, (y/n)?" I nodded my head and let him put the ring on my finger as I heard The entire crew cheer for us.

"Congratulations sir! I'm so happy, we're going to have a wedding!" Mr. Smee grinned excitedly. I smiled at James, holding his hand. "I'm so happy James. Thank you so much!" James kissed my cheek. "Of course, my darling. I had to propose before our relationship progressed any further." I nodded my head, returning his kiss.

Shere Kahn🐅:
The baby tiger had finally settled in my lap when Shere Kahn pulled out a ring. It was simple, just a band carved out of wood, but I loved it nonetheless.

"(Y/n), I have no idea how human courting works, but I've been reading some of your romance novels and found that this is the next step that most couples take. So will you marry me?"

I smiled at him and nodded my head, letting him put the ring on my finger. His question had been awkward, and not really the romantic and dramatic proposal I had always dreamed of, but it was enough.

Shere Kahn snuggled into my side, kissing my neck. "I don't know what I'd do without you (y/n)."

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