They give you a special present 3

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I took a deep breath as I shifted uncomfortably. We were still in the jungle, and I had managed to catch a fever. Clayton and the rest of the group had gone on a small adventure, saying they would be back in an hour.

I waited patiently, being asleep for most of it, but felt myself being awakened with the slightest sound. Then I heard the tramping of boots and sighed in relief. I looked to the opening of my tent, and Clayton soon came in.

I smiled at him as he kneeled next to my bed. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "How do you feel, my love?" I shook my head, sighing. "I feel as though my skin may burn off my body." Clayton kissed my hand again. "We will return home soon, and we will get you a doctor." I nodded my head, feeling myself drift off to sleep again.

"Before you go to sleep, I have something for you." I smiled at him, and he pulled something from behind his back. Wrapped around his finger was a tiny primate with gorgeous golden fur. "This is only a baby, we found it next to its mother, who unfortunately passed away. We thought you would like it."

I reached my hand out, and Clayton let the primate climb into my hand. I pulled, what I determined to be a him, close to my chest. He settled on my bosom, cooing and curling into a ball.

"I love him, Clayton. We'll call him Anthony." Clayton smiled, kissing my cheek. "Sleep now love, I'll watch over the two of you." I smiled again, closing my eyes. "When you are better, I'll have another present for you."

I hummed as I spun straw into gold. I had progressed in my magic much, and Maleficent said he was proud of me. He had gone out to get some ingredients for potions and said he might have something for me when he returns.

I looked over at the edge of the forest, eager for his return. I took a deep breath, finding all the straws I had was now gold. I stood up and stretched, picking up my basket of fine gold, and was about to go inside our cottage when I heard a whiny and Maleficent trying to shush something.

I looked over to the edge of the forest again and saw Maleficent trying to guide something into the clearing. He looked over at me and smiled, motioning for me to meet him halfway.

I watched in excitement as he led a young unicorn out of the forest. I set down my basket of gold and walked up to them. I put my hand in front of the young unicorn, and he sniffed it, then smiled at me.

As the unicorn explored his new home, I looked at Maleficent. "How did you find him!?" Maleficent smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "I found him next to his mother's dead body, unfortunately. Some people have no respect for nature or ancient magic." His face grew sour, and I frowned as well, sighing.

"Well, we'll just have to do our best to raise him." Maleficent nodded, and I watched as the unicorn chased a butterfly. "Let's call him Hermès." Maleficent smiled, holding my hand. "That's a magnificent name, my love. But I have one more thing for you."

Father Gothel🏵:
I shifted in bed, trying to sleep for a few more minutes. I reached over to try and find Gothel, only to find him missing. I groaned but got up to look for him. I looked around the main room of the tower, but couldn't find him, so I went down the steps outside and found him almost immediately. He was sitting in the grass, cooing to something in his hands.

I went towards him and sat next to him, grumbling and cuddling into him. He kissed the top of my head, holding my hand. "Good morning to you too (y/n)." I yawned, stretching slightly. "Yeah yeah. What are you doing out here so early?" He smiled at me, massaging circles into my hand.

"Well, I couldn't sleep last night, so I went for a walk. As I was about to return, I found this little guy and thought you might like him." He showed me what was in his other hand, and what I saw immediately woke me up.

"Is that a dragon?!" Gothel chuckled, nodding his head. "Yes. This is about as big as she'll get, so I hope you like her." I nodded my head, reaching my hand to take her. Gothel gladly handed her over, and she curled into a ball the size of a marble. I smiled. "Let's call her Dracona." Gothel nodded, cuddling into me.

"I'm glad you like her my flower. And I'm sorry for leaving you to wake up on your own." I smiled and kissed the top of his head. "It's fine love, I'm just glad you're safe." He nodded seeming to get nervous.

"Can I tell you why I couldn't get to sleep last night (y/n)?" I nodded my head, and he took a deep breath. "It's because of something else that I have for you."

Captain Hook🏴‍☠️:
I sat up as I decided I was done sunbathing, wondering where James could be. He said he had errands to run, but didn't tell me where he was going and how long he would take. That was yesterday.

I sighed as I looked out at the water, biting my lip nervously. Was he ok? Had something happened? Then I heard boots land on the deck behind me.

I whipped around, looking Hook in the eyes, feeling both relief and rage. "Where have you been! You didn't tell me where you were going, and you've been gone for almost 24 hours! I've been worried sick! I thought something might have happened!" I felt tears starting to pour down my face, and James was quick to hug me.

"I'm so sorry my little siren. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want to ruin the surprise..." I hugged him back, taking a deep breath. Then I froze as I heard a bark.

"Hook, where did you go and what did you bring back?" James smiled, pulling away from the hug. "Well, I went to London to talk with your father about something, but on my way back, I found this guy!" He moved aside to show a beaten-up pit bull who was missing a leg.

I kneeled in front of him, and he licked my face happily. I giggled, petting him. I saw he had a collar, and looked for a name tag. He sat in front of me, and I found his name was Logan.

"Logan? Is that your name buddy?" Logan jumped excitedly, panting and trying not to fall. I smiled. "He's wonderful James!" I felt James pat my head. "I'm glad you like him, love. Now I have to tell you what I needed to talk to your father about."

Shere Kahn🐅:
I groaned as I finished harvesting the garden. My back was killing me, and Shere Kahn was supposed to be back an hour ago. I sighed and sat down, closing my eyes and waiting for him to get back.

It didn't take long for him to finally come back, but I only noticed him when he sat down next to me. I opened my eyes and smiled at him. "Took you long enough to get back." He chuckled. "I'm sorry love, but I found something that I couldn't leave behind."

I looked at him curiously as he pulled out something that was wriggling in his hands. I gasped as I realized it was a baby tiger. "She was abandoned (y/n), I couldn't leave her." I smiled and grabbed her, putting her into my lap. "Let's call her Nimer." Shere Kahn nodded. "Great."

We cuddled for a bit, and I could feel his tail flick against my back every once in a while. "(Y/n) dear, I have a question to ask you."

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