They give you a special gift 1

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Shan Yu🪶:
I sighed as I stretched, heading a few satisfying pops. It had been a long day, and Shan Yu had been running errands all day. I lay on the front porch as the sunset, waiting for him to return. I finally spotted his silhouette on the horizon and got up to greet him.

I pulled him into a hug as he set some groceries down. "How was your day love?" He sighed, hugging me back. "Absolutely exhausting bunny, but I got you something." I smiled. "What is it." He smirked at me, putting away some of the stuff.

"You're going to have to wait until later." I folded my arms and pouted at him, but he just chuckled and continued putting stuff away. I bugged him about it for the rest of the day, but he just wouldn't tell me.

"Come one love! Just a hint?" He shook his head. "No, you have to wait." I groaned, then heard a knock on the door. Shan Yu smiled at me and went to get it. I started in the living room pouting. I heard light conversation, then Shan Yu came back with Hayabusa following behind him, staring intently at whatever he had hidden behind him.

"Bunny, this is something I promised to get you a while ago. It took some time, but I hope you like it." He pulled the thing out from behind him to reveal a beautiful hawk. She was a beautiful tawny color with a sharp break ace intelligent eyes.

I held my arm out, and she flew on top of it. I smiled. "Thank you, Shan Yu. She's gorgeous." He smiled back at me. "What are we going to call her?"

I thought for a moment before I knew what her name was. "Her name is Altair." Shan Yu nodded. "Now, there's one more thing I want to give you."

Gaston 💪🏼:
I laughed as LeFou told another joke. Gaston had gone out for the day, and while I didn't mind LeFou's company, I missed Gaston already.

LeFou noticed, and he looked me in the eyes. "Is everything alright (y/n)?" I nodded my head. "Yes, LeFou. Being in love sometimes just sucks. Gaston had only been gone a few hours, and my heart is already aching for lack of him." LeFou nodded. "I kinda know what your feeling. I was lost without Gaston!" I smiled and patted his head. "Then we will hope for his speedy return."

A few more hours passed, and LeFou and I were eating snacks. All of a sudden, I heard the clopping of large hooves, and Gaston talking gently. I looked over at the path and found him walking with a large horse.

I felt my face split into a large smile, and I went to greet him. "Gaston, what is this?" He smiled at me. "Well, this is a Shire horse. I remember you telling me you've always wanted one, so here you go." He gave the reins to me, and I looked the house in the eyes. I pet her for a bit, in awe of her.

"What's her name?" Gaston smiled, putting his arm around my waist. "Her name is Josephine." I sighed in contentment, then hugged Gaston. "Thank you so much, she's beautiful." Gaston chuckled. "Do you want to get on her?" I nodded and had to have a little help going on her back as she was so large. I knew I'd be able to do it eventually, but I was grateful for the boost.

Gaston sighed, pleased with himself. "I'm glad you like that present, but I've got one more for you!"

The cool water was relaxing as I bathed in it. Hades had gone to run some godly errands, so I decided to have a self-care day. This was one of the last things on my list, and I was just waiting for him to return.

I gazed at my reflection in the water, smiling gently at it. At that moment, I thought I was absolutely beautiful. I had to get out soon, but a few minutes more wouldn't hurt. These few minutes turned into an hour before I finally managed to drag myself out.

I finished getting dressed just as Hades returned. I smiled at him but became curious as he was hiding something behind his back. He smiled back at me and kissed me. "I hope you had a great day doll face. I got a present for you." I nodded my head in excitement. "I had a wonderful day! What did you get me?"

He smirked and pulled the present from behind him. I was now facing an adorable two-headed dog with a bow tied around its neck. Hades let me take him, And he smiled up at me, barking and wiggling around.

Hades chuckled as I was metered by the dog. "Cerberus had puppies, and Hecate didn't know what to do with all three of them. She gave one to Thanatos, and Hermès took the other, but I thought you'd like this one." I nodded my head in agreement. "Does He have a name yet?" Hades shook his head. "Then I'll call him Philo!"

"That's a great name doll face." He pet the dogs, smiling and laughing with me. "Now, that's not the only present I got you. I hope you like this next one even more."

Dr. Facilier🪡:
I gently pushed a tray that almost fell off of a server's hand when he was bumped into. Facilier was nowhere to be seen as he had last been asked to take out the trash. I looked over at Tiana, and she motioned for me to go look for him.

I went back to where the trash cans were and bumped right into Facilier. "Where have you been? I need your help on the floor!" He smiled at me, bringing me back inside. "I find something out there that I thought you would like!" He held up his hands to show me a black ghost cat.

"Her body was next to the dumpsters, and she was crying up a storm. I was thinking we could call her Nyx, what do you think?" I smiled, shaking my head slightly.

"Nyx sounds amazing." Facilier had me take her, smiling the entire way. "Great! Cause she's yours now!" I chuckled under my breath, petting the cat lightly. "Thank you Facilier." He placed his arm around my shoulder. "Just wait beautiful, I have one more present for you!"

Scar and I had decided to stay near pride rock. Not on pride rock as he wasn't exactly welcome there, but near it so we could visit with his children.

Scar has gone hunting, and I was left alone. I brushed through my hair and waited for him to return. It didn't take long, and soon I could feel his warmth in front of me. "How was the hunt Scar?" He sat in front of me, sighing in contentment. "It was successful my queen, and I even got a present for you."

I smiled. "What is it?" I felt him grab my hand, and motion with the other one. He placed my hand on something warm and furry, and I could feel it panting. "This is one of the Wild dogs that roam around here, but it is only a baby, it was abandoned and starving when I found it. I hope you like him." I nodded my head, and the dog climbed into my lap. "He's wonderful Scar, thank you. I'll call him Prins."

Scar came to sit beside me and rested his head on my shoulder. "That's a good name. Now, I have another present for you."

Cruell 🐩:
I opened the door to Cruell's boutique, carrying our lunch and my latest book. I looked around for him, but couldn't find him in the main area. I went to his office in the back and heard him talking in a ridiculous voice.

"You are so pretty, yes you are! Oh just wait until (y/n) sees you! She's going to love you!" I looked over to where he was, and saw him playing with a kitten. It had long grey hair and clear blue eyes, just like he always wanted.

"They are very pretty." Cruell looked over at me, smiling brightly. "Sorry love, I must have lost track of time!" I shook my head and set lunch and my book down. "It's fine. Do you have a name for her yet?"

"I was thinking star. Do you like it?" I hugged him, then went to pet the cat. "I think it's a great name. She'll be a wonderful addition to our family." Cruell kissed my cheek. "Speaking of family, I have another thing to ask you."

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