A small surprise 2

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Jafar 🪔:
I shivered as Jafar applied the cold plant paste across my stomach. I had been feeling particularly fatigued over the past week, and after exhausting all other options, Jafar and I decided to use this paste. It had magical properties and would tell us whether or not we were going to have a baby.

Noya held my hand and practically vibrated with excitement. She was so excited about the possibility of becoming an aunt. I kissed her cheek as Jafar finished up and added the powder that would activate the paste. We waited with bated breath for a moment, then the paste went from pale green to a beautiful golden color.

I started in shock for a moment, almost in a stupor, but then Noya squealed and grabbed Jafar by the hands, spinning him around the room as Tali weaved between their feet, joining in on the excitement. Jafar was smiling ear to ear, and if I didn't know any better, I would almost say he was ready to cry.

The past two years of marriage had its ups and downs, but it finally felt like we were completing our family.

After another moment, Jafar plopped down next to me and pulled me into his chest, his breath waving as he kissed the top of my head. "I'm so happy for us my dear desert flower. Soon we will have another blossom joining our beautiful family."

I nodded, fearful of speaking lest I break down in tears. Noya held my hands and smiled at me. "Don't worry (y/n)! I'll make sure to love the new baby with all my heart!" I moved and pulled her into a hug.

After another moment, I pulled away and looked at both of them, and couldn't help but laugh. Jafar looked at me, then Noya, then himself as he seemed to realize why. "Come, Noya, we must change and wash up lest our clothes be stained and retain the smell of old, stinky herbs." Noya nodded, then pointed to me. "(Y/n) might need help though."

"Hey, I'm still perfectly fine taking care of myself, thank you very much." Laughter followed as Noya disappeared to her room to change.

Claude Frollo✝️:
Three years had passed since Claude and I had gotten married, and we had settled into our own caravan quite nicely. I was in said caravan, seeing some new pants for Claude when I suddenly felt as if I was going to hurl.

I threw the fabric aside and rushed out of the caravan, collapsing in front of some bushes and immediately losing the contents of my stomach. Claude, who had been talking to some of my cousins, was soon at my side, holding my hair back and trying to comfort me.

He yelled out for help, and just as I finished emptying my stomach, my mother was there with a glass of water and a clean rag. After I cleaned myself up, Claude and mother lead me back into the caravan, and mom started examining me.

After a moment, she started back with a pensive look on her face. "Is she alright, mother?" Claude asked as he held my hand.

"Well, she doesn't have a fever and she doesn't have a rash or hives, so there are only two more things I can check." Mother explained as she helped me out of my soiled shirt. Claude immediately looked away, though it wasn't anything he hasn't seen before. The way he acts sometimes reminded me of who he was before, but I just thought this was cute.

Mother placed her fingers on my inner elbow, applying pressure. After a moment, she seemed satisfied with that, then put her ear on my tummy. She pulled away and smiled. "Congratulations you two. You're expecting a baby!" Mother coated her hands together with the biggest grin on her face, and Claude promptly fainted.

After a moment of starting, Mother and I burst out laughing, then she dragged him to our bed and told me to holler if I needed anything.

I sighed as I stood up from my desk, done with my work for the day a lot sooner than I thought I was going to be, but then I felt lightheaded and almost fell over.

Ursul, who has been napping in the bay window, caught me with his tentacles and sat me down. After we had gotten married, queen Ariel had told him he could stay with me in the castle and they had actually become quite close over the past five years. I was grateful for it, knowing that my queen and my husband got along well.

As soon as I was sitting back on my office chair, Ursul looked at me confused. "Is something the matter, dearest?" I asked, feeling suddenly self-conscious. "Hang on, I need to see something..." I nodded my head, And Ursul started to investigate my stomach with his tentacles.

After a moment, his tentacles settled on a specific spot, and he leaned closer. He closed his eyes, and he seemed to be listening for something. Then, he looked me in the eyes and pulled me into a hug, kissing my temple.

I grew nervous, not sure what he found. "What is it, mit hav? Is it something bad?" He shook his head, then huffed my hands to my own stomach. "I know you can't hear it, or feel it, and maybe I can make a potion so you can, but right now, there is a second heartbeat inside of you." I looked down, already almost in tears, and pulled him back into the hug.

We didn't speak for a while, just wanting to bask in the moment of realization that we would be parents.

I sighed as I relaxed into the chair at the doctor's office, waiting patiently for my appointment. Ratigan held my hand as his leg bounced up and down, more nervous than I was.

This has started about a week ago. I was feeling more fatigued than normal, and my leg seemed particularly bad. It had gotten to the point where I could hardly stand or focus during school, and came to a head when I fell down while passing out papers.

Ratigan was getting impatient, so I started to talk about whatever I could to distract him until the doctor finally called us back. I stood up with Ratigan's help and we followed him back.

"And what seems to be the problem today." He pulled out his clipboard and sat down in front of me.

"Well doctor Smith, I've felt really fatigued over the past week, and it's really affecting my quality of life." Doctor Smith nodded and pulled out his stethoscope. "I'm just going to do a quick check-up, make sure nothing is wrong with your heart and lungs." I nodded my head and held Ratigan's hand.

Doctor Smith started with my heart, moving the stethoscope around every couple of seconds and writing notes down, then started to move lower, telling me to take deep breaths as he check my lungs. Then a look of confusion crossed his face and he moved lower.

He made one final note, then smiled at me. "Good news, I know what's causing the fatigue!" I motioned for him to continue, and tightened my grip on Ratigan's hand. "It seems to me that you are pregnant, congratulations!"

I looked at Ratigan in shock, and he looked at me. After another moment, I pulled him into a hug and chuckled. He hugged me back and kissed the top of my head. "I'm so happy (y/n). I can't wait to see our little one."

I tried not to cry as I finished vomiting for the third time that morning. Clayton held my hair and rubbed my back, trying to comfort me to the best of his abilities. I finally stood up, then fell weakly against Clayton.

Grandpa came up to us and smiled. "Congratulations on the pregnancy!" I looked at him confused, wondering if he had hit his head. "What do you mean? I'm not pregnant."

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Oh please, I didn't watch my late wife go through almost nine pregnancies and not learn a thing or two at the earliest stages of it. I'll even call the medic to prove it to you. Plus, you two have been married for almost two years now, I'm surprised it didn't happen earlier."

I sighed and asked him to bring the medic. After a quick check-up, the medic confirmed I was pregnant, and even let us listen to the heartbeat. I was close to tears, and Clayton held me tightly.

Grandpa congratulated us again, promising he'd get us home soon, and left Clayton and me to relax in our tent.

I turned to Clayton and smiled at him. "We're going to be parents." He nodded and kissed me. "I love you (y/n), and I can't wait for this baby."

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