Their nemesis finds out

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Shan Yu🪶:
I sighed and cuddled further into Shan Yu. We were relaxing on the porch as the sunset. I played with the ring around my finger as I took in Shan Yu's scent. He smelled like the woods around us, and the herbs we worked with. His muscles underneath me were firm, yet soft, comforting me in a way I never thought possible, but then he tended underneath me.

I looked up at him in concern. "Is everything alright my dear?" He took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, the empress is just coming over." I looked up the path to find that indeed, empress Mulan was coming up to our cabin. I kissed Shan Yu on the cheek, then went up to greet her.

I kowtowed until Milan told me to rise. I smiled at her. "What can I do for you empress?" Mulan smiled at me, quickly looking over at where Shan Yu was still sitting. "I just came to check on you (y/n). How is everything going?" I smiled shyly, messing with my ring again, which caused Mulan to notice it. She smiled gently.

"Are you and Shan Yu engaged?" I nodded, looking back at the love of my life. Mulan sighed, then walked past me. I quickly followed her as she kept a brisk pace towards Shan Yu. She stopped right in front of him and crossed her arms. "Shan Yu, you better take good care of (y/n), or I will be forced to take drastic action." Shan Yu sighed, then smiled at me.

"I would never intentionally hurt my bunny." I smiled and went back to his side. I heard Mulan sigh, then laugh. "Well then, I at least expect an invitation to the wedding." I nodded my head, then invited her to stay for dinner.

I giggled as Gaston spun me around. The village was having a festival that was going to last all week. We were dancing as the sun set, riding in the scents all around us as I watched my new ring glitter in the sunlight.

I took a deep breath as the song came to an end, and then I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I looked over to see Belle smiling at me. "How are you (y/n)?" I smiled back at her, still holding Gaston's hand. "I'm great Belle, how are you?"

She giggled and shook her head. "I'm fine, I just couldn't help but notice the ring on your finger." I smiled, gladly showing it off to her. "Gaston proposed to me, we're planning on getting married in the spring." Belle nodded, congratulating me, then Prince Adam came over.

He smiled gently at us. "Congratulations! I hope to be invited to the wedding." Gaston became flustered but nodded his head. "Of course, we'd be honored to have you." Adam smiled at Gaston, then pat his shoulder. "Come, share a drink with me, my friend." Gaston smiled but looked back at me. I gave him a nod of approval, and he went off with Adam.

"You know, I'm really grateful for all you've done for Gaston and LeFou." Belle remarked as she linked her arm with mine, guiding me towards a street vendor. "Well, I'm glad that I was able to meet Gaston. I would never have made all the connections and friendships that I have without him." I picked up a candied Orange slice and gave the vendor a few copper coins.

Belle sighed. "I'm happy for both of you. I hope everything goes well for you in the future."

I took a deep breath as I looked at all the vendors on the streets of Thebes. I held hades hand, feeling the cold metal of my ring against my flesh. I smiled at him, but then bumped into what felt like a warm wall.

I looked up and saw Hercules, who smiled at me. "Hey (y/n), Hades, who are you?" I smiled at him, about to respond until I felt someone grab my arm to look at my hand. I looked over to see Megara, closely looking at the ring on my finger.

She looked up at me, a small smile on her face. "So, you two are tying the knot?" I nodded my head, and she smiled even bigger. "Congrats. It's probably going to be the grandest wedding anyone has seen in centuries." Hades nodded. "Of course, only the best fit my queen."

Meg sighed. "Uh-huh, and I'm still waiting for old muscle head to pop the question." Hercules became flustered, stuttering over his words. I giggled and shook my head. "Would you two like to be invited to the wedding?" Meg shrugged. "Sure, why not? Could be fun." I smiled, grabbing her hand. "Want to come shopping with me?" She nodded her head, and we were off.

I looked behind us, to see Hercules and hades trying to converse. It was tense and awkward, but they were trying. Meg seemed to notice as well, chuckling to herself. "Let's just hope they learn to get along." I nodded in agreement, pulling Meg into a shop for a wedding dress.

Dr. Facilier 🪡:
Tiana seemed shocked. "You came back to life and you're trying married?" I nodded my head. "Yes, I hope you will continue to let us work here, but I understand if you can't." Tiana sighed. "I am in need of some more waiters." I nodded my head.

After another moment, I pulled Facilier outside. "I can't believe we're back alive." Facilier smiled and pulled me into his arms. "We're going to get matured soon. I can not express how happy you've made me." I held onto him, breathing in his scent. When you're a ghost, you don't have a scent, but now he smelled like cinnamon and leather.

We started like that until we heard a romantic tune being played. I looked over to see Naveen strumming away, smiling at us. I smiled back, then pulled Facilier into a dance.

Scar 🦁:
I took a deep breath as I messed with the ring on my finger. Scar had gone out hunting, and I had finished my chores, so I was just waiting for him to return. I heard someone walking through the tall grass, but it didn't sound like Scar.

"Who's there?" I looked in their direction, and they quickly responded. "It's Simba, (y/n)." I nodded my head, getting up to greet him. "How can I help you Simba?" He sighed, seemingly lost in thought. "I came to check on you, but I noticed the ring you have."

I smiled at him, holding up my hand so he could see it better. "Scar proposed to me with this ring, we are to be married soon." I heard Simba chuckle, then he grabbed my hand. "Congratulations, I hope you have a long and happy life together." I was about to respond, but then I heard Scar walking through the grass.

"Thank you, Simba. Thank you for keeping my fiancé company while was out." Scar set his hunt down and sat next to me. Simba let go of my hand, quickly bid goodbye, then left. I snuggled into Scar, Haley to have him home again.

Cruell de Vil 🐩:
I giggled as Cruell told me how one of his clients came today to complain about one of the prints he used in his latest season. We were walking through the park, holding hands, until a cold nose pressed against my other hand. I looked to see a Dalmatian. Cruell noticed them too and started to freak out slightly.

I tried to gently shoo the dog away, but it just sat there, freezing Cruell to the spot. I sighed, then a woman that seemed slightly familiar came over, trying to collect the dog. Cruell smiled, his hands still shaking. "Hello Anita dear, how are you?" Anita sighed but started to have a conversation with us.

"(Y/n), I couldn't help but notice that beautiful ring that you have." Anita smiled at me, holding onto the leash of her dog. I smiled and pulled my hand up so she could get a closer look. "Cruell and I are to get married in the summer." Anita smiled, quickly congratulating us, but then quickly left as her husband was calling for her.

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