𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐 (𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒃'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽)

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'I'm going to phase back and call Bella' I called out through the pack link. 

I phased back and pulled on some cargo shorts before Seth and Leah could answer my shout through the pack link. I knelt besides William, wincing as I heard his ragged breathing, his chest heaving and falling, struggling for breath. I laid him on his side, blood pooling out of his mouth. A pit of worry formed in my stomach as I shakily called Bella. 

"Did you find him?" she questioned. 

"Yup" I answered grimly, my voice cracking. "He's hurt, Bella. Really badly." 

She let out a worried cry. "Where is he?"

"Near the La Push Reservation and Cullen's land." I answered. "What if the Cullen's see you?"

I heard the rumbling of a car engine, knowing she was most likely driving towards my location. "I need to see my son. I won't let the Cullen's take that from me, even if it risk me being revealed."

I hesitated, devising a plan in my head. "Meet me at the La Push Reservation. I'm going to carry him."

She paused, thinking before answering. "I'll be there as soon as I can." 

The line went dead and I shoved my phone back in my pocket. My hands trembling slightly as I picked up William, his body lying in a pool of his own blood. I ran towards the La Push Reservation, my feet slamming into the ground. I ran and ran, my worry growing as I tried to stir him awake. He wasn't waking up. 

I let out a sigh of relief as I saw the Treaty Line in view, Seth and Leah waiting on the other side. At the sight of William's body, Seth sobbed, clamping a hand over his mouth. Leah's eyes widened, her mouth slightly agape. 

"Get a first-aid kit" I ordered. 

Leah nodded, running towards the house and tearing the door open. I stared down at the limp boy in my arms before staring back at Seth. 

"He's just unconscious" I murmured. 

Seth cast William a worried look before hesitating. "Can I hold him?"

My eyes widened slightly before I recovered from my shock, passing the boy towards Seth. Seth gently took the boy in his arms, staring at William's blood-stained face, his gaze holding love and pity. 

"I-I" he stammered. 

I placed a comforting hand on Seth's shoulder, giving him a reassuring nod. "I get it. You don't know what to feel. You did all you could, Seth."

He sent me an uneasy glance before returning his gaze to William, his gaze holding such love and fondness that I had to look away. 

Our heads snapped up as we heard a car engine rumbling in the distance. I let out a sigh of relief as I saw Bella in the driver's seat, her face holding a fierce determination. 

I ran towards her car, Seth trailing behind me with William. She exited the car, running up to me before stopping in her tracks, spotting William's bloodied body, her eyes widening in terror. 

"William" she whispered, her voice cracking, venom pooling in her eyes. She ran over to his side, holding the boy's face in her hands. 

We were startled as the door of the house came open with a loud bang, the door frame shaking. Leah ran up to us, holding a first-aid kit in her arms. 

"Here it is"

I grabbed the first-aid kit, scanning over the contents before staring at Seth. 

"Place William on the ground." I demanded. 

He complied, gently placing the boy on the ground with care. I kneeled down besides the boy, ripping off his blood-stained denim jacket and white shirt. He had two deep wounds in his stomach, his jaw was obviously broken. Crimson blood pooled from his wounds, soaking his pale skin. 

"Why isn't he healing" Bella demanded. 

I stared down at the wounds in shock. "I don't know" I stammered. 

"Those need stitches" Leah pointed out, standing off to the side, her arms crossed over her chest. 

I sent Bella an uneasy glance, she hesitated before nodding at me. "We need to stop the bleeding first, then, we go to the Cullen's house."

Bella tore off her jacket, pressing it firmly to the wound. Her arms were littered with scars, revealing the horror that Victoria had done all those years ago. I returned my gaze to William, glancing at Seth. 

Seth was panting heavily, brushing his hand against William's knuckles in a comforting manner, worried immensely for his imprint. His gaze was fixed on William, scanning over the boy's injuries. 

As the blood began to stop, William's injuries slowly began to heal. Bella and I shared a glance, letting out a sigh of relief. 

"Well, it appears we won't be going to the Cullen's after all." Leah said.

I let out a choked chuckle, staring at William's injuries. They had begun to disappear, the wounds in his stomach closing completely, appearing as if they had never been there. Bella pulled his hair back from his forehead, stroking his cheek softly. We all winced as we heard the sickening crack of his jaw popping back into place. 

"He'll be okay" I breathed out. 

Bella nodded, staring at William with worry. "I'll take him home" she murmured, scooping the boy in her arms. 

"I can carry him" Seth offered. 

Bella chuckled before placing William into Seth's arms. She leaned close to my ear, laughing softly. "He's smitten."

I grinned smugly, crossing my arms over my chest. "Yup" I replied. 

She walked towards the driver's seat, opening the car door and pushing the keys into the ignition. Seth was seated in the passenger's seat, staring lovingly at his imprint. 

"I'll get his Porsche" I whispered, knowing that she could hear me. 

"Don't have too much fun with it, Jake" she teased. 

I scoffed, sending her a playful glare. "How could I not." 

She smiled before her face morphed into a frown as she stared at William. 

"Don't beat yourself up" I whispered, my tone holding a softer manner. 

"Thanks, Jake" she replied softly. 

Her car drove away, the engine roaring loudly as they drove down the road. I glanced at Leah, seeing her gaze trailing after Seth. I sighed, turning around and walking towards the house, pulling at my hair as I grew nearer to the house. Today had been wild. 

AN: It's 3:00 in the morning. What the hell am I doing with my life?

𝐀 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 | 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now