𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟐

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William's feet pounded against the ground as he ran through the forest, appearing to be a blur. The trees disappeared behind him, but William didn't notice. There was only one word in his mind. Victoria. She was the woman who had killed his mother, destroyed his life, and she would pay with hers. William would make sure of it.

William's steps faltered as he approached a clearing. It was his Edward's meadow. He soon heard the screams of Cullen family. They were in hysteria. William leapt onto a tree branch, surveying the area. Victoria wore a sadistic smile on her face as she held Esme's head in her hands. A fatal position. One move of her hand and Esme's head would be ripped clean off. Carlisle, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, and Edward were all staring at Victoria, begging and pleading with their hands raised in surrender.

William leapt from the tree branch, landing soundlessly on the ground. William knew what he was doing was stupid, but right now, he didn't have many ideas.

He emerged from the clearing, a small smirk on his face. "Hey, Victoria," he yelled, cupping his hands over his mouth to project his voice further. Victoria's head snapped toward him. She gazed at him before her lips curled in a snarl.


"Surprise" William muttered, his gaze fixated on Victoria.

William ignored the Cullen's shocked glances. He didn't have time for that.

Victoria's eye frantically looked between the Cullen Coven and William. She realized that she was outnumbered greatly.

"You feel that, don't you?" William began. "Fear. You're scared."

"No," Victoria denied. She looked scared--vulnerable.

"James," William said, taking a step towards the scared woman. "Your pitiful excuse of a mate. He gave you that stability you craved. He made you feel powerful. He's dead. He's just a pile of ash. A pile of nothing. James was nothing."

Victoria snarled, backing away slowly. "Your mother," she began. "Bella Swan, a weak human." Victoria said. "She's dead. Nothing but a lifeless corpse. Forgotten."

"Bella Swan was your mother?" Carlisle questioned, his shocked eyes glancing between Victoria and William.

William ignored Carlisle's question. "Bella Swan is my mother" William confirmed, "and there is truth to that statement, but she's not a corpse and she is not forgotten."

William once again ignored the Cullens as they let out shocked gasps, their eyes as wide as saucers.

"I made a promise to her. I would kill you" William said deliberately. "Then, I would find Laurent and kill him too."

"Laurent's dead." Victoria snarled, her expression scared.

"Exactly," William began, "but it wasn't me who killed him."

"Who-" Victoria began but was cut off as footsteps pounded through the forest.

Emerging from the forest, Seth, Jacob, and Leah were all in their wolf forms, snarling savagely at Victoria.

"Wolves?" Victoria choked out, not bothering to hide her shock.

William grinned. "I have some friends, too," he whispered.

He charged at Victoria, wind whipping in his ears. Victoria dodged, but that didn't slow William. Victoria threw a punch at William, but he ducked under her hand, grabbing it and twisting it behind her back. He placed a kick against her gut and threw her to the ground. Victoria got up, sweeping William's legs from underneath him and pining him to the ground. They snarled at each other before Victoria slammed her fist into William's face. The only sound that could be heard was the sickening crack of a bone. William's nose gushed blood and he smiled, blood staining his teeth as he noticed Victoria's trance, her gaze fixated on his blood.

William flipped their position, hovering over Victoria. He smashed his fist into her face, ignoring the painful crack of his hand as his fist came into contact with Victoria's face. He grabbed her head, tugging at it. Victoria placed her hand on William's chest, flinging him off of her.

William slammed into the ground, letting out a grunt of pain before getting up and rushing at Victoria. He ducked underneath her hand as she threw a punch, lifting his foot into the air. His foot made contact with her side. William smiled as she stumbled back, momentarily stunned. He charged at her once more, grabbing a hold of her head, but then, he made a fatal mistake.

She grabbed a hold of his neck, squeezing tightly. William's grip on her head loosened as his airway was cut off. He gasped for air, choking as he found nothing. Black spots filled his vision and he felt the life slowly draining from him. People surged towards him but it would be too late. William could only hope that they would kill Victoria.

A cold, marble body connected with Victoria, smashing her into a nearby tree. William smiled weakly. It was his mother. Bella Swan. She had come to save him.

"You're dead."

They charged at each other, two blurs crashing into nearby trees. Snarls tore from their lips, the only thing William could hear in the silence.

Soon, a satisfying, familiar metallic screech filled his ears. Victoria let out a pained cry. William grunted as he got up, blood covering his mouth. Victoria was held in a headlock by his mother, who was holding Victoria's head in her hands, tugging at her head.

Victoria slipped out of his mother's iron grip, charging at William. She grabbed William by his throat, running away. William clawed at her hands, trying to loosen her tight grip on his throat. He could feel his vision slowly fade, the life draining from him. 

Suddenly, the tight grip on his throat loosened and he gasped for air, collapsing onto the hard ground. His eyes widened as he realized they were on the La Push Reservation, seated on top of the cliff that they used to cliff jump. 

Soon, his mother and the Cullen appeared. An expression of pure fury was planted on Bella's face while Edward's face was more cautious and reserved. He was probably processing this whole ordeal.  

"Put him down," Bella spoke venomously, her heated glare set on Victoria.

"This is revenge, Bella Swan," Victoria said, holding William over the cliff by his throat. "I lost my mate and now you will lose the main reason of your existence," she hissed, loosening her grip on his throat. 

William was falling . . . 

𝐀 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 | 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (slow updates)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt