𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑

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'Time Skip to the Party' (Because I'm lazy and wanna to get to the interesting parts.)

William's eyes widened as his gaze landed on the Cullens house. It flaunted their wealth. It had an modern look to it. The interior was open and spacious. It was a large, rectangular house, modern and open. One side of the house was almost made entirely of glass. It was magnificent.

 "William!" Alice greeted happily, clapping her hands together excitedly. William nodded her way in acknowledgment. 

"Hello, William" Jasper greeted, giving him a curt nod. 

"Hello, Jasper" William greeted. 

Jasper smiled in response, wrapping his arm around Alice's waist. "You're here early?"

William shrugged. "I didn't know how long it would take me to get here. I guess I arrived early."

"Would you like to meet my parents?" 

"Umm . . ." William trailed off. 

"Oh! Don't worry. Carlisle and Esme are very sweet." Alice exclaimed. 

William grew nervous as every second passed. It was a big deal. It would be his first encounter with his grandparents. Both who knew nothing of his existence. This was going to be difficult. 

"I wouldn't mind" William replied, wincing internally. 

"Perfect!" Alice exclaimed. She was very cheerful today, appearing to be in a brighter mood than even before. It was quite strange. 

She took William by surprise by grasping his hand. A shiver ran down his spine as her hand came into contact with his. He was surprised that she was making contact with him, considering her unnaturally cold skin. He was quite used to it though, considering his mother, Bella, was a vampire. 

William let Alice drag him around, gazing at the beautiful interior of the Cullen home. His breath stopped in his chest as his grandparents came into view. They were as youthful as ever. Carlisle looked like a model. His eyes were gentle and compassionate and he was well-toned. He appeared to be twenty-three years old, barely passing for thirty years old. Esme had a heart-shaped face with a warm, compassionate look. Her hair was a soft-caramel, flowing down her shoulders. 

Esme wrapped William in a tight embrace. William inhaled sharply, his whole body going rigid. He soon melted into her embrace, returning her affections. 

"Hello, Esme. I'm William. William Swan."

Esme smiled in response, shock evident in her eyes as she took in the boy's appearance. "I've heard many things about you."

"Good things I hope" William joked. 

Carlisle smiled, letting out a small chuckle. A sudden realization flashed through his eyes, who held shock as he also noticed the similarity between William and Bella, no doubt suspicious about the boy's bloodline and parents. "People should be arriving for the party soon."

William smiled. "Will I find you and Esme on the dance floor tonight?"

A grin broke out on Carlisle's face. "It depends."

William nodded in response. It had been so long since he had felt at ease. Carefree. Victoria had made him anxious and paranoid. It was nice to be carefree and at ease. It seemed the Cullens could do that to people, if people found them friendly. 

'Time Skip' 

Bright lights flashed through the Cullen's home. It was truly a party. Emmett waved at William, a wide grin on his face. Emmett was in control of the music. He seemed to be having a blast. Rosalie was watching Emmett with a smirk on her face. She was highly amused by her mate. 

William rubbed his forehead as he held a red cup in his hand. It was filled with punch, most likely containing alcohol. 

"I need some air" he muttered. 

William pushed through the dancing teenagers, ignoring their shouts of protests as he pushed them and their partners apart. He let out a sigh of relief as he saw the balcony. He opened the doors to the outside, sucking in a breath of fresh air. 

"What am I doing?" William muttered, holding his face in his hands. 

He took a sip from his red cup, gulping down the contents. The alcohol in the punch stung his throat slightly. William quickly finished the contents of his cup, leaning on the balcony railing for support. 

"Are you alright William?" A voice spoke from behind him. 

William spun around towards the voice, slightly startled by their sudden appearance. He met the person's gaze. 

It was Edward. 

Edward stared at him with concern, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stared at the boy. William shifted slightly under his father's gaze. He had never had a conversation alone with his father. 

"No" William confessed. "I'm not alright."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"How do you forgive someone from your past, especially if it was a person that hurt someone you loved."

Edward hesitated, thinking about his answer before replying. "It takes time. You can't hold it against the person forever. Eventually, even if it's unbearable, you begin to forgive them."

William gave the man a strained smile. "Thank you"

Edward swallowed. "No problem. It was my pleasure"

William chuckled. "Your always so formal" William paused, laughing internally. He was going to throw Edward for a loop. "You speak like you're from a different time."

Edward stiffened. His features becoming stone-like and rigid. He didn't look very convincing right now (for a human). He appeared lost in his thoughts, as if reliving a memory. 

Edward paused, opening his mouth to speak. "I need to go." 

Edward sent the boy a forced smile and pushed past William, his expression strained. 

Once Edward was out of earshot, William began to speak to himself. "Shit" William cursed. "That was a line my mother, well Bella, said to him when she figured out he was a vampire." 

William sighed, rubbing his temples before laughing slightly. "I did throw him for a loop" William frowned. "Probably brought back an unpleasant memory though." 

William sat there, unaware that someone was listening . . . 

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