𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒

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"What the hell?"

William spun around, his eyes wide in shock as he realized someone had heard his little chat with himself. 

"Rosalie!" William whispered in shock. 

"Wait!" Rosalie said. "You said Bella. As in Bella Swan?

"Bella Swan. I've never heard the name." William pretended. 

Rosalie's expression grew sour. "You said the name Bella" Rosalie deadpanned.

"We should talk somewhere private." William responded, letting out a shaky breath. He just made a fatal mistake. 

'Time Skip' 

Rosalie and William sat in the woods, a place where no one would find them. It was a bit scary to think about. William was alone with Rosalie Hale, a deadly predator who had a fierce temper. 

William swallowed nervously. "I knew Bella Swan."

"I knew it" Rosalie mumbled. "I always thought there was something strange about you."

"You're the one talking" William replied. 

Rosalie shrugged and sighed. "Were you guys related or something?"

"Something like that." William murmured. 

Rosalie rubbed her forehead in frustration, a scowl on her flawless face. "So how did you even know Bella. You have a heartbeat and you should be like thirty now."

"I'm like you." William replied, shrugging. "I just have a few complications."

"And those complications are?"

"Might as well rip off the band-aid." William mumbled, letting out a frustrated sigh. "I'm a hybrid."

"A what?" Rosalie spoke, her expression confused but also having a bored look. 

William gulped. "I'm half-vampire and half-human." William didn't know why he didn't reveal that he also was a shape-shifter. Maybe he wanted to get to know his family before they all turned their backs on him and named him an abomination, a freak of nature. 

"What does that have to do with anything?" Rosalie spoke harshly. That was what William admired most about the women. She always got straight to the point. She wasn't one to beat around the bush. 

"Bella Swan was my mother."

Rosalie's eyes widened, not bothering to hide her shock. "You're kidding right."

"Nope." William replied, shoving his hands in his pockets. 

Rosalie hesitated, a rare look on her face. "Who is the father? Do you even know the father?"

"I know who the father is."

"Well, who is it?" Rosalie hissed. 

"It's personal"

Rosalie scowled, letting out a huff of annoyance. "Everything's personal with you."

William took a step forward. "What's that supposed to mean?" William said, anger lacing his tone. 

"The Swans have a knack for being self-absorbed."

William growled, snarling at Rosalie. He couldn't lay a hand on his Aunt, but he wouldn't let her talk trash about his family name. 

"Bella was a great mother" William spat. "She died. You know why?"

"I think I do" Rosalie spoke. 

"It was because your family. It's your fault." William snarled. 

Rosalie met his gaze, anger burning in her eyes. They growled at each other, never laying a hand on one another. 

Rosalie's eyes softened for a fraction of a sentence. "You can't hold it against us forever" Rosalie grumbled, venom lacing her tone. "Why did you even interact with us if you hated us so much?"

William bit his lip, staying silent. Rosalie turned to look at him, her eyes holding a revelation. "Edward's your father, isn't he?"

William sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah" he replied. 

"He doesn't know you exist" Rosalie spoke, her tone softer. 

"Yeah. My father doesn't know I exist. He thinks I'm just some human."

Rosalie shrugged, her expression softening. "He likes you."

William laughed bitterly. "That doesn't make me feel better."

"So, I'm your Aunt"

William stared at Rosalie. "Yes" William replied. "I suppose I should start calling you Aunt Rosalie now?" William joked. 

Rosalie scowled, an amused smirk on her face. "You're a lot like Bella and Edward. I can see that now."

William shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. "From what I heard, you, Bella and Edward didn't exactly have a friendship."

"I had my reasons."

William hummed in agreement, knowing it was better not to pry. 

Rosalie raised an eyebrow. "So you're alone?"

William contemplated his answer. "I guess I am."

"You can always come over."

William tilted his head in confusion. "Is the Rosalie Hale inviting me over?"

Rosalie let out a huff of annoyance, a scowl making it's way on her face. "Don't get used to it, Swan."

William chuckled. "I won't, Aunt Rosalie"

Rosalie's expression noticeably softened at the name, a small smile gracing William's features.

William cleared his throat, swallowing nervously. "We should get back to the party."

Rosalie hummed in agreement, spinning on her heels and stalking off towards the party. William chuckled, his gaze following the blonde.

"I won't tell anyone" Rosalie called out. "It's your secret to tell." Rosalie added. 

He sighed, a smile dancing it's way on his face before walking out of the forest and back inside the Cullen's house. 

Tonight had gone well. For the most part . . . 

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