Chapter 38 A Chance Encounter

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A chance encounter. That's all it took to discover the cow had never left the country. Ian stood in the dock during the hearing and smiled as the court officers droned on. "You do understand the chance you are being given, Mr Filson?" the Sheriff said.

"Yes, Mi'lord," Ian answered.

"Your barrister says, you are refusing -- are you refusing Mr Filson?"

"No, Mi'lord, I am not. I want to better myself, make a future for myself," Ian answered, inwardly enjoying the shocked expressions.

 He walked out of the courtroom that day determined to act contrite, and cooperative. Since that hot August day, he'd done exactly what his was told, waiting for the moment to come and today, on a beautiful mid-October Friday morning, the chance finally arrived.Promptly at eight AM, he joined thirty other 'rehab' prisoners boarding a bus for transport to the prison training centre located outside the walls of Barlinnie Prison. Ian took his seat and turned his attention out the barred windows of the bus to the passing landscape. Freedom was so close, he could actually smell it. A slow grin tugged at his lips when they drove through the gates and made the turn for the relatively short drive to their first destination. He watched kids in a school yard playing on relics of playground equipment. His Robbie was probably in some school for idiots. He'd fix that soon enough. He snorted when they drove past ancient stone churches like the kind where McGregor preached. In five minutes, six at the most, they would be at the job training centre on Smythcroft Road where they didn't even bother to lock the gates. 

Ian filed in, took his place at his assigned desk, and began the tedious process of being a dutiful student. He'd already proven himself adept at using a computer, but today's lesson revolved around CV's. He had to admit, his came up short. The most impressive item on his CV came under the heading: striker for a football team, and that was old. Blimey, was it really over seven years since that cow had taken everything from him? Ian gritted his teeth with the memory of the day in court she stood in the witness box, belly swollen with his child and lied through her teeth. He could still hear the gavel slam down when the Sheriff sentenced him for taking care of his husbandly duties. He sniffed hard and forced his fingers to type. This wasn't the time to mess up.


He glanced up at the clock and noted it was already half nine. Misinterpreting his shift in attention, the counsellor returned. She wasn't bad looking for a forty-year-old, still had a decent figure and the scent of her perfume filled his senses, flushing away the stench of the prison.  He nodded, waiting for the silly woman to complete her instructions for conducting job searches suitable for ex-footballers. She spoke to him as if he were as thick as the brat he'd sired. He listened and smiled, giving the woman as much respect as possible, waiting for her to walk away from his computer station, hoping she would stay distracted long enough to lift her mobile. He knew she would, most women were easy marks of any bloke who could flash a cheeky smile. 

"I need to use the loo," he called when her focus turned to an idiot having trouble. 21st century and he could barely turn on the bloody computer, let alone conduct a proper web search. He nodded and kept his smile subdued when she absently waved him on. Ian eyed her mobile, left unattended on her desk and glanced at their guard to make sure he wasn't watching too closely. He snagged the device from the desk on his way to the restroom. It was almost too easy. When the second guard eyed him with suspicion, he pointed to the loo and nodded thanks when he waved him on.  You stupid pig, he thought, all I needed to gain your trust was make you think I've learnt my lesson

Once inside the safety of the restroom, he made a quick call, huffing when he heard his father's voice. "Da'?" he whispered.

"Ian, how did you? Never mind; where are you?"

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