Chapter 3 The Trouble with Mums.

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A/N: Just a heads up. Scottish slang is different than British. Boot = Bitch,/whore

"Mum? Mum, wake up, Mum." Robbie flipped her duvet back as he shook his mother's shoulder, trying to get a response. It felt like forever before her dull, sleep filled eyes blinked open. "Mum, c'mon, hurry up. Please."

Nora blinked again, her vision clearing from the effects of the sleeping pill Marcus had prescribed for a second day in a row. Instead of all their lovely plans for Nollaig Eve, she'd spent the day by Daniel's side, coming home so exhausted, climbing the stairs to kiss Robbie was almost too much. Jackie had smiled that warm, 'welcome to the council,' smile, nattered about Robbie's day, distracting her long enough to push the pill in her hand. She and her mother stood in front of her, arms crossed until she swallowed. Whilst her mother helped her undress and climb into bed, Jackie retrieved her dirty clothes for the laundry. She didn't even remember falling asleep. But now Robbie needed her, and her brain was too thick to process his voice. She hated the damn pill.

"Mum," he called again, breaking through the fog.

Today was the day they'd chosen.... Reality returned, forcing Nora up on one elbow. She swallowed thickly and focused on the little boy standing by her bed. Worry replaced the expression of excitement that should have been there. She glanced at the bedroom window; even with curtains drawn, she could tell the sky was still black.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? Are you alright, did you have an accident?"

"No, Mum. We have to open presents now, so I can take Dad his presents in hospital," he pleaded. "Please Mum, get up."

"Honey, it's still dark outside. Besides, I've told you, you cannae see Daniel for a while. I explained why. He is still asleep. It may be days before he wakes up from hurting his head. Even then, he may talk funny."

"No, Mummy, you're wrong. Dad will wake up today and he will talk fine. You're wrong Mummy, we have to do it today," he snapped. Robbie shoved her elbow from under her, then stepped back with his fists clenched at his sides.

"Robbie, that was mean. Say sorry," Nora said, raising back up. This was not how she wanted to wake up, let alone start her day.

"No! It's all your fault anyway. I saw you; you made Dad fall. You let go when he had a spell. You didn't stop him. Now you don't want me to see him. I hate you!" He glared at her then turned on his heels, running from the room.

"Robbie," she called to the fleeing boy.

Nora threw her covers back to go after him. She wanted to scream for him to stop his mad run down the hall, and the stairs that had nearly killed Daniel. Fear clamped her mouth shut. She tore down the steps, grabbing him safely in her arms at the bottom of the staircase, only to have the toe of his boot connect with her shin whilst he screamed against her.

"Ow! Robbie, stop this now, you'll wake up th' hoose."

Robbie wrenched away and kicked her leg again as hard as he could. "Ian's right, you're a boot, I hate you!" 

"Robert Ian Filson," Nora snapped, then did something that she had never done. Her hand stung from the blow applied to his bum, then she shook him. "You stop it, stop it now!" 

Robbie stopped mid-cry, in shock at his mother. With tears rolling down her face, her arms dropped first to her side, then wrapped around him. "I'm sorry, love, I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean it, I didn't. But please, I cannae take any more. I need you to understand something that you shouldn't have to. Dad is hurt, badly hurt. Doctor Marcus will turn the medicine off keeping him asleep, and with any luck, he will wake up today, but you cannae see him."

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