Chapter 9 I was Falling in Love with You.

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Peter Alan Tyler stood in front of the upstairs hallway mirror, studying his image. He didn't look bad for a guy in his fifties, receding hair line, few wrinkles here and there. Selling Rose's presence in his life as the child of his youth had been easy, and of course, the whole country sent congratulations when Tony was born. Sometimes it was easy to forget he'd had any other life. Sometimes, he nearly forgot about the Jax of this world; of her dying that night so long ago. With all the good things that had fallen into his life, why then did he sometimes question his sanity?

He glanced down at the mobile he'd dropped on the console table and drew a breath. How would he explain this to anyone? He chased alien threats, made sure the planet didn't burn up from global warming, kept crazy scientists from destroying the world, and kept a rein on Rose so that she didn't go completely mental. He didn't regret any of it; he just wanted one bloody holiday with the family as a reward. He squeezed his eyes shut, counted to thirty and opened them to see Jackie's reflection. He hesitated before turning toward her. She looked worried with the question of what's wrong now evident in her eyes. Her arms encircled his waist, taking his attention to her hands. The diamond ring on her finger sparkled on her left hand. He covered her hands with his, twisting her ring with his fingers.

"I heard the mobile and the alarm in your office; You gonna tell me or am I just gonna smack you?" she asked as she rubbed her cheek across his jumper.

"Would it be horrid, if I told you how much I just want to push you against the wall and take you here and now? We never get to do that anymore. Don shags Rose, Daniel shags Nora -- hell I think Mr 'Arris is shaggin' Nancy in the kitchen. But you and me, we haven't had time to breathe, let alone shag. That's not fair, is it?"

Jackie pulled him around, her concern and love written in the way her hand cupped his face. He snuggled against its warmth and for just a moment, closed his eyes, enjoying the way her thumb rubbed against his stubble. She kissed him, then pulled away. "What's happened to the plum?"

"Harris nicked a unit of his blood for god knows what and scarpered. Along the way, he told Don Daniel is an alien, so he knows that Rose lied. He could take a lie from me, but not from her. I have to go in and help find that bastard. I have to screw up Marcus' day off with Tanya, who by now I'm sure is about to get shagged. And I have to screw up yet another holiday for us. I'm getting' too old for this shite."

"Pshh, don't think so, not now and not anytime soon. What's important is that Plum is alright. We'll transfer the party to the suite. Go on now, I'll shepherd the McGregors and Tony there. It's probably best, anyway. Robbie won't act up if he has someone to play with. You should take Rose. The pair of ya will need to explain things to the Canadian."

"I love you, Jacqueline Andrea Suzette Tyler. See, I remembered." He pulled her tight, kissing her. Feeling her pressed against him, her mouth open to his, made him groan in wanton need. Breathless when they broke, he stepped back, reluctant to let her go. "I'll just get her, then," he said in a raw voice. He reached behind, fumbling for his mobile. When he had the device in his hand, he kissed her forehead. "I swear, a holiday, you and me, in the royal suite at the Bagolini. We will shag our brains out, just like everyone else," he promised.

"Promises, promises. I'm still fertile you know, we could make another Tony," she teased.

"Oh god, that's all we need, a baby. Still --" He grinned. "The unfettered trying might be fun." He kissed her quickly, then turned to find Rose.


Marcus Jones loved his job, he really did, but there were times his job was a huge pain in the rear. Staying at the infirmary for a week with Daniel, was not how he planned his holiday week. He had planned two weeks, in the south of France with Tanya, at a lovely resort. The trip came with a downside. Her family had rooms at the same resort. At least, he and Tanya had their own suite to vacation their way, in an effort to get to know each other in a stress-free environment. That was the plan -- his plan. But like everything else in his life, his plan didn't work. He drove the nearly deserted road from Torchwood heading for the A41, and then on to Highfield Avenue. This was the first chance he'd had to see the holiday light displays blinking from front windows and gardens of houses and flats. The sight increased his anticipation of a fun-filled night shifting him out of a decidedly grumpy mood.

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