Chapter 22 Freedom

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For the first time in weeks, Daniel felt free. This had to be what it felt like to escape prison life. The last month had settled into a dull, boring routine the high point of which came from watching Nora blossom. But today... today he was finally being allowed out on his own, unattended by anyone. Nothing could ruin this day, including the cold, grey weather making his leg ache. Not even acid-spewing aliens could destroy his good mood. He slipped an arm around Nora and kissed her full on, giggling at the way she swallowed her chuckles when Robbie walked in, making disapproving, ewwing sounds at the scene. 

"I've gone mindlessly domestic," Daniel whispered against her ear when they broke apart.  

"The price you pay when you decide to get a girl pregnant," she whispered back. "You'll be careful  today," she said, wiping crumbs from his mouth

"C'mon, Robbie, grab your rucksack, school's waiting," Daniel called, trying not to sound overly parental. "I will be fine," he reassured Nora, "The place will be quiet with Howie gone, but I'll keep busy. You and Addie be careful going into London. Paul has the helicopter waiting at the McDonalds."

"This is silly. I don't see why we can't just have a doctor in Glesga."

"Nora, this is the price you pay when you carry the children of an entirely unknown -- me." 

"Is that why Torchwood saw fit to upgrade our security?"

"Well, I think that has more to do with the fact that I'm reconfiguring the dimension cannon. Now, there's a term I bet you didn't know a year ago, eh?" Daniel smiled, grateful Pete Tyler had made sure Jake had the new alarms tied not just to Torchwood, but the local police as well. If anything happened while he was gone, they'd have help immediately.

"True, along with words like TARDIS, meta-crisis and space-time continuum. Then again, last year I lived in limbo; there's a lot I missed."

Daniel pushed a stray lock behind her ear. "And now?"

Now -- now, I'm complete. I still think going to London once a month is silly." 

"Well, that OB delivered a baby with two heads and signed the State's Secret Act," he teased.

"He did not. He worked with Jan on an autopsy of an alien baby. Big difference. She knows the strangest people. All of you know the strangest people."

"Bet I'm at the top of the list," he said, kissing her again.

"Dad, quit kissin' Mum. We have to be early 'cos I promised Billie Niles I'd show him my new car," Robbie whinged.

Much to Robbie's disgust, Daniel ruffled his hair. "Alright, Robbie Barrow, it's just us -- the men of the clan against the world using cinnamon buns and cars as our weapons."

"Ja, men of the clan. Just you make sure I don't regret telling Howie it was alright for him to go home, now that you're on that stick instead of crutches," Addie came out from the kitchen slipping her parka on. "And make sure you don't forget to let Finn out. You'll get all caught up in things and forget him. We will be back in time for tea. I have things in the crock pot." 

"I promise not to forget Finn," Daniel kissed her cheek, "You two just behave and don't let Jackie talk you into shopping." 

Daniel watched his two favourite women walk out the door then grabbed his own satchel. "C'mon, Mr Barrow, let's get you to school, eh?" he grinned. 

With Finn shadowing his every step, he leaned heavily on the cane  as he made his way to the SUV. The dog followed, instinctively hanging close to Daniel, watching carefully as Robbie was properly secured in the back seat. Once this boy settled, the dog climbed in, taking his place in the special padded area in the very back. Daniel glanced in the rearview mirror and smiled. It was hard to wrap his brain around the fact they'd finalised Robbie's adoption, and now, Robbie was his. Being a dad was no longer another man's memory tucked in his head. It was real and tangible and he loved his first son. He didn't tell Nora the immense relief he'd felt when their barrister got the case moved to the Sheriff's Court in An Gearsadan. Keeping everyone away from Glesga courts avoided the potential of running into Ian's parents or his barrister. The smaller courtroom made the entire process quicker. They'd spent less than twenty minutes in the tiny courtroom with just their family for support.

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