Chapter 40 Love Each Other -- Very Well

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On his weekend in the back of beyond cottage hospital, a cruel twist of fate delivered a harsh reminder to Neil Harris of just why he really needed to think of a better way to help society. Still dressed in blood-spattered scrubs, he stood outside the glass-enclosed ICU cubicle watching nurses and therapists settle his patient in bed. Could it really be almost two years since the night he first met the spunky, beautiful woman now fighting for her life? She'd fought then too, daring anyone to fail in the task of saving her lover. Most of the events surrounding that encounter was a hazy memory. Exhaustion and personal grief collided that holiday season -- resulting in his own breakdown, something that haunted him still. But he remembered her, and he remembered the man she loved. The encounter changed his life forever, forcing him to finally let Ellie go. 

The woman just out of surgery looked nothing like that slightly built woman whose eyes had shone with fierce intelligence and determination, standing with an unbreakable will, so in control of every aspect of her lover's care. Because of her, and whatever strange genes biology had blessed him with, the man survived, and according to Steven Leeds, had recovered quite well. Now, he had to go out and break the man's heart. It was a moment he knew well. Neil passed the chart to the matron and turned to the nurses station, wondering how many of his friends would be out there. He hoped he had a few; he would need them all. 

 "Doctor Harris?" the clerk said from behind the desk.


 "There's a Doctor Jones wanting to see the consultant caring for Mrs Barrow. Should I send Doctor Leeds?" 

Neil stiffened at the name struggling to keep his demeanour professional. "Marcus Jones?"

 "Yes, sir, from London."

 Neil's jaw twitched at the name. The day just got better. He hoped the young clerk didn't notice the tremor in his hand when she handed him his cup of tea. The last time he saw Marcus, it was at Ellie's funeral. "No, I'll talk to him. Show him to the consulting office."

"Yes, sir."

 Neil sighed, grabbed up the CT and MRI scans and headed for the tiny office. "Hello Marcus," he said without turning around when the physician walked in.  


 Neil turned and flashed a tight smile. Other than tiny dots of grey, Marcus hadn't aged at all. "Hell of a way to meet, after all of this time, innit?"

 "What are you....?" Marcus said, stunned to see Harris.

 "After Ellie died, I sold my half of the practice and moved up north. I have a small consulting practise just across the border now. Once a month I do A&E at various hospitals. Just my luck, this is my weekend here," he answered. "How's life been? You still dating that model, what was her name?

 "Tanya and yeah, We live together now. You... Neil, have to say I am stunned." 

 "Same here. I haven't kept up with him; how was his recovery?"

 "Ninety-Nine percent and she's the reason why."

 "The German lady said folks would be coming. I didn't expect you to show up."

 "Daniel stopped being a patient a long time ago. We were on the helicopter a minute after we got the call. The Tylers are here too. Pete's with the local coppers now. We tried hard to keep this from happening. What are her injuries?" He walked over to X-ray box.

 Neil flipped the light on. "See for yourself. The airbag hit her squarely in the face, breaking her nose. That wasn't enough for him. She has bilateral orbital fractures from punches to her face, a fractured skull from having her head slammed. After he... did... her, he kicked her, rupturing her spleen and cracking three ribs. He even broke her ring finger ripping her rings off."

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