Chapter 42 The Worm Turns

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Green tile walls and flickering, yellow lights lined the long hallway where Daniel waited. They'd made him leave her, alone with no one but strangers, and that was wrong. He'd only found this spot because of the unsuspecting orderly who must have been the only person in An Gearsadan unaware of his circumstances. Since the man had shown him exactly where to stand, Daniel hadn't moved. He stood in the hallway, one foot resting against the wall,  eyes fixed on the door marked No Admittance. Thirty minutes after taking up his vigil, Marcus and Pete found him. His intense focus didn't shift when Pete placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Everyone's cleared the lounge and Don's taking Jackie and the McGregors back to the house. Marcus and I are taking you home," Pete said.

"No. Did you know they had this back door .... anyway, I'm waiting for her."

"Daniel, she has to have -- tests. You can't stay with her," Marcus said. 

"I hate euphemisms, did you know that, Marcus? Well, except for dancing. I like that one; sounds so much better than 'do you want to have sex', doesn't it?"

Marcus pulled a face, "I'm sorry, Daniel, but they will need it for the court case." 

"I'm not leaving her until I've made sure she is somewhere safe. I am not trusting you or anyone else to do that. I promised her and I...." Daniel inhaled sharply.

 "Daniel, you've got the kids, and you are exhausted," he offered. Marcus recoiled when Daniel turned his dark hazel eyes, black with  rage, on him. His friend had never looked or sounded more alien that at the moment. 

"You really think, you two can make me leave. I can take you in ways you can not fathom." Daniel turned his attention back to the door.  "Just -- go.  I'll get someone to bring me later when she's ...." He chewed his inner cheek and huffed. A door opened. The nurse pushing the trolley blanched when she saw him 

"It's alright, I'm going with her," he announced as he straightened. "You can't stop me," he said when he looked at Pete. "Go back to my house or not,  but just -- go," he said and then followed the trolley to the morgue without looking back. They showed him to a little chair while the coroner and DI Allen advised him to go home. He didn't. 

Daniel took his seat, reached into his pocket and pulled out his mobile, ghosting his finger over the screen until he found the number and hit speed dial. A second later, Molly Addis answered for Sam. He could well imagine the stunned expression on her face when she handed over the phone. "Sam, can you come back, I'm on the ground floor by the morgue."

"Daniel, Lad, why didn't you go home? Where are yer friends?" 

"I made 'em leave. Seems they think I'm a piece of candy floss. I need to follow her to the.... Anyway, my car is at school and I need a ride so I can follow the ambulance. Can you come back?"

"Aye, lad. I'll be there in thirty. I'll have Molly fix you a Thermos of coffee with a kick and don't tell me about not drinking. This won't get ye pissed, but it will give ye strength. Have ye eaten?"

"Can't, I'll just sick it up. I don't want anythin'."

"Well, I'm bringin' it. I'll be there as fast as I can."

Clicking heels on tile shifted his attention from the door to see Sam coming toward him. It didn't seem possible that thirty minutes had passed so fast. Sam said nothing when he reached him, just opened a Thermos and poured him a half cup of steaming, black coffee laced with Scotch. Daniel was almost grateful for the spiked coffee; its  warmth spread through his body, warming him for the first time since the moment he walked into the school office.  

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